Sanderlings display remarkable agility, running at speeds up to 20 km/h whilst chasing waves. Their swift, nimble movements along the shoreline and ability to quickly change direction demonstrate exceptional coordination and reflexes.
Whilst not exceptionally strong for its size, the Bar-tailed Godwit possesses sufficient strength to undertake gruelling long-distance flights and to probe deeply into mud and sand for food. Its ability to double its body weight before migration suggests a robust physique.
The Bar-tailed Godwit shows extraordinary adaptability, thriving in various coastal habitats across multiple climate zones. Its capacity to adjust to seasonal changes, including altering bill length and dramatically increasing body mass for migration, demonstrates remarkable adaptability.
Ruddy Turnstones display moderate aggression, particularly during breeding season with elaborate courtship displays and territorial behaviour. However, they are often seen foraging peacefully in small flocks, suggesting a balanced temperament.
The Bar-tailed Godwit's endurance is truly exceptional. Its ability to fly non-stop for up to nine days, covering distances of up to 11,000 km, places it at the pinnacle of avian endurance. This unparalleled feat of stamina and persistence earns it the highest possible endurance rating.