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Calidris alpina

This small, nimble shorebird transforms from mottled brown to striking black belly during breeding season, a quick-change artist of the tidal flats.
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Visual Identification


The Dunlin is a small wading bird with a distinctive long, slightly curved black bill. In breeding plumage, it displays a striking black belly patch and rusty brown back. Non-breeding adults are predominantly grey above and white below.

Juveniles resemble non-breeding adults but have buff-edged feathers on their backs, creating a scaly appearance. Both sexes are similar in appearance, with seasonal plumage changes being more pronounced than sexual differences.



16cm to 22cm


35cm to 43cm


40g to 100g


Males and females have similar plumage

Primary Colour

Brown Grey

Secondary Colour

White Black

Beak Colour


Leg Colour


Habitat and Distribution



The Dunlin is not typically found in Woodland habitats.


The Dunlin is not typically found in Garden habitats.


The Dunlin can be found in Wetland habitats.


The Dunlin can be found in Coastal habitats.


The Dunlin is not typically found in Urban habitats.


The Dunlin is not typically found in Farmland habitats.


The Dunlin is not typically found in Grassland habitats.


The Dunlin is not typically found in Desert habitats.


The Dunlin can be found in Tundra habitats.


The Dunlin is not typically found in Rainforest habitats.


The Dunlin is not typically found in Mountain habitats.


The Dunlin is not typically found in Savanna habitats.


Dunlins breed in Arctic tundra across North America, Europe, and Asia. They inhabit coastal mudflats, estuaries, and sandy beaches during migration and winter. They are particularly common along the coasts of the UK, western Europe, and both coasts of North America.

In winter, large populations can be found in the Wadden Sea of northwestern Europe and along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States. Some populations also winter in parts of the Mediterranean and Middle East.

Elevation Range

Sea level to 1,000 meters

Climate zones

Arctic, Temperate, Subtropical

Distribution Map

This map gives you a rough idea of where you might spot a Dunlin. The coloured areas show countries where these birds have been seen.

A few things to keep in mind:

  • Birds might not be everywhere in the coloured areas, for example, they may be present around the coast of that country
  • Where birds live can change with seasons and available food
  • This map is quite simple - it doesn't show exact locations

We're working on making our maps even better! Soon, we hope to show you:

  • More detailed maps for bigger countries, including state and region
  • How birds move around during different seasons
© 2024 - Birdfact

Distribution by Region

Species that pass through the area during migration
Afghanistan Austria

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Behaviour and Ecology

Bird Attributes

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Bird Attributes Explained

Our bird attributes system rates various aspects of a bird's capabilities on a scale of 0-100, based on data from field observations, scientific studies, and expert knowledge.

Attribute Categories:
  • Agility: Manoeuvrability, speed, and grace in flight or movement.
  • Strength: Physical power, often correlating with size and hunting abilities.
  • Adaptability: Ability to thrive in various environments or changing conditions.
  • Aggressiveness: Territorial behaviour and assertiveness, particularly during breeding seasons.
  • Endurance: Stamina, often seen in migration patterns or foraging behaviours.

Understanding the Ratings:

  • 0-20: Very Low
  • 21-40: Low
  • 41-60: Average
  • 61-80: High
  • 81-100: Very High

Remember, these attributes are relative to other bird species and don't necessarily indicate superiority.

Tap the icon next to each attribute for more information.

Agility 85


Reflects the bird's manoeuvrability, speed, and grace in flight or movement.

The Dunlin demonstrates high agility through its aerial displays, rapid probing feeding technique, and ability to navigate in large flocks. Their swift flight and manoeuvrability during migration also contribute to this impressive agility rating.

Strength 40


Indicates the bird's physical power, often correlating with size and hunting abilities.

While Dunlins can double their body weight for migration, they are small birds weighing only 40-100g. Their strength is sufficient for long-distance flights and probing for food, but relatively low compared to larger birds.

Adaptability 90


Represents the bird's ability to thrive in various environments or changing conditions.

Dunlins show remarkable adaptability, thriving in diverse habitats from Arctic tundra to coastal mudflats. Their ability to adjust to seasonal changes, varied diets, and different climates across their wide distribution range indicates high adaptability.

Aggressiveness 30


Measures the bird's territorial behaviour and assertiveness, particularly during breeding seasons.

Dunlins are not particularly aggressive birds. They are highly social, often seen in large flocks. While males may defend breeding territories, their overall behaviour is more cooperative than confrontational.

Endurance 95


Reflects the bird's stamina, often seen in migration patterns or foraging behaviours.

Dunlins exhibit exceptional endurance, particularly during migration. Some individuals fly over 3,000 miles, showcasing remarkable stamina. Their ability to maintain energy through long flights and harsh Arctic breeding conditions warrants this high endurance rating.


Dunlins primarily feed on small invertebrates found in mud and sand. Their diet includes marine worms, small crustaceans, mollusks, and insects.

They use their sensitive bill tips to detect prey beneath the surface, often feeding in shallow water or on exposed mudflats.


Dunlins are highly social birds, often seen in large flocks during migration and winter. They forage by probing their bills into mud or sand, walking with a distinctive hunched posture.

During the breeding season, males perform aerial displays, flying in wide circles while singing to attract mates.


Dunlins have a variety of calls. Their most common call is a soft, rolling 'trrrr' often given in flight. During the breeding season, males produce a distinctive song described as a series of trills and warbles, sometimes likened to the sound of a tiny sewing machine.

Nesting & Breeding

Dunlins breed in the Arctic tundra, with the breeding season typically starting in late May or early June. Males establish territories and perform aerial displays to attract females. Pairs form monogamous bonds for the breeding season.

Nests are simple scrapes on the ground, often hidden in low vegetation. The female typically lays four eggs, which are olive to buff colored with brown markings. Both parents share incubation duties.

Incubation lasts about 21-22 days. Precocial chicks leave the nest soon after hatching. They fledge after 19-21 days, and parents often divide the care of the brood.

Conservation and Status

Global Conservation Status

Least Concern [1]

While currently listed as Least Concern, Dunlins face threats from habitat loss due to coastal development and climate change. Conservation efforts focus on protecting key stopover sites along migration routes and preserving breeding grounds in Arctic regions.

Population Data

Global Population Estimate

4,295,000 - 6,800,000 individuals [2]

Global Population Trend

Trend data may be uncertain or fluctuating

Birdwatching Tips

  • Look for Dunlins on coastal mudflats and sandy beaches during migration and winter
  • Observe their distinctive feeding behavior of rapidly probing the mud with their bills
  • In breeding plumage, watch for the black belly patch, which is a key identifying feature
  • Listen for their trilling call, often given in flight

Additional Information

Quick Facts

Other names:

Red-backed Sandpiper



Average Lifespan

10 to 15 years


Main predators include peregrine falcons, merlins, short-eared owls, and Arctic foxes. Eggs and chicks are vulnerable to gulls, jaegers, and Arctic foxes.

Did You Know?

  1. Dunlins can double their body weight before long migratory flights.
  2. Some Dunlins fly over 3,000 miles during migration.
  3. Their slightly curved bill is an adaptation for probing deeper into mud.


  1. 1

    website: BirdLife International. 2019. Calidris alpina (amended version of 2017 assessment). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T22693427A155480296.

    View source
  2. 2 3

    report, 2015: Wetlands International

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