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Saxicola rubetra

A charismatic, small songbird with a striking orange, brown and white plumage, that flits through meadows and heathlands across Europe and beyond, catching insects on the wing.
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Visual Identification


The Whinchat is a small, sprightly bird with a distinctive appearance. Males sport a striking combination of rufous-brown upperparts, black wings with white patches, and a bold white eyebrow. Their orange-buff breast contrasts sharply with a white belly and undertail.

Females and juveniles are less vibrant, lacking the male's bold markings. They have brown upperparts with buff streaking, a less prominent eyebrow, and a paler underside.

Females don’t always have white wing patches; if they are present, they are much smaller than males. Both sexes have black tails with white bases.

After breeding, Whinchats undergo a full moult before developing a new plumage ahead of migration. In winter plumage, males look similar to females, but their white wing patch is present all year round.



12cm to 14cm


21cm to 24cm


14g to 22g


Primary Colour

Brown White

Secondary Colour

Black Buff

Beak Colour


Leg Colour


Primary Colour (Female)


Secondary Colour (Female)

Buff White

Beak Colour (Female)


Leg Colour (Female)


Habitat and Distribution



The Whinchat is not typically found in Woodland habitats.


The Whinchat is not typically found in Garden habitats.


The Whinchat is not typically found in Wetland habitats.


The Whinchat is not typically found in Coastal habitats.


The Whinchat is not typically found in Urban habitats.


The Whinchat can be found in Farmland habitats.


The Whinchat can be found in Grassland habitats.


The Whinchat is not typically found in Desert habitats.


The Whinchat is not typically found in Tundra habitats.


The Whinchat is not typically found in Rainforest habitats.


The Whinchat is not typically found in Mountain habitats.


The Whinchat is not typically found in Savanna habitats.


Whinchats inhabit open areas with low vegetation and scattered bushes or trees. They are found across much of Europe and western Asia, breeding in northern regions and migrating to sub-Saharan Africa for winter.

In the UK, they are summer visitors, arriving in April and departing by October. They are more common in northern and western Britain, favouring upland areas with bracken and gorse.

Sightings are increasingly limited to the Scottish uplands, northern England and central Wales, Exmoor, Dartmoor and the Isle of Man, where they breed in grasslands, heathlands and open meadows. One exception is Salisbury Plain in southwest England, where small breeding populations exist.

Elevation Range

Sea level to 3,000 meters

Climate zones

Temperate, Subarctic

Distribution Map

This map gives you a rough idea of where you might spot a Whinchat. The coloured areas show countries where these birds have been seen.

A few things to keep in mind:

  • Birds might not be everywhere in the coloured areas, for example, they may be present around the coast of that country
  • Where birds live can change with seasons and available food
  • This map is quite simple - it doesn't show exact locations

We're working on making our maps even better! Soon, we hope to show you:

  • More detailed maps for bigger countries, including state and region
  • How birds move around during different seasons
© 2025 - Birdfact

Distribution by Region

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Behaviour and Ecology

Bird Attributes

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Bird Attributes Explained

Our bird attributes system rates various aspects of a bird's capabilities on a scale of 0-100, based on data from field observations, scientific studies, and expert knowledge.

Attribute Categories:
  • Agility: Manoeuvrability, speed, and grace in flight or movement.
  • Strength: Physical power, often correlating with size and hunting abilities.
  • Adaptability: Ability to thrive in various environments or changing conditions.
  • Aggressiveness: Territorial behaviour and assertiveness, particularly during breeding seasons.
  • Endurance: Stamina, often seen in migration patterns or foraging behaviours.

Understanding the Ratings:

  • 0-20: Very Low
  • 21-40: Low
  • 41-60: Average
  • 61-80: High
  • 81-100: Very High

Remember, these attributes are relative to other bird species and don't necessarily indicate superiority.

Tap the icon next to each attribute for more information.

Agility 85


Reflects the bird's manoeuvrability, speed, and grace in flight or movement.

The Whinchat demonstrates remarkable agility, frequently engaging in aerial displays and swift, precise movements to catch insects in mid-air. Their habit of flicking wings and tail upon landing further showcases their nimble nature.

Strength 30


Indicates the bird's physical power, often correlating with size and hunting abilities.

As a small passerine, the Whinchat possesses modest strength relative to larger birds. However, their ability to undertake long-distance migrations suggests a degree of muscular endurance.

Adaptability 75


Represents the bird's ability to thrive in various environments or changing conditions.

Whinchats exhibit considerable adaptability, inhabiting a wide range of elevations from sea level to 3,000 meters. Their capacity to thrive in various open habitats and their flexible diet of insects and occasional berries demonstrate good adaptive skills.

Aggressiveness 40


Measures the bird's territorial behaviour and assertiveness, particularly during breeding seasons.

While not overtly aggressive, male Whinchats do defend territories and perform aerial displays during breeding season. Their overall behaviour suggests a moderate level of assertiveness rather than high aggression.

Endurance 80


Reflects the bird's stamina, often seen in migration patterns or foraging behaviours.

The Whinchat's long-distance migratory behaviour, with journeys up to 4,000 km (2,485 miles) annually, indicates exceptional endurance. Their ability to breed in upland areas and survive in diverse climates from temperate to subarctic further supports this high endurance rating.


Whinchats primarily feed on insects, including beetles, flies, and small moths. Spiders, worms, larvae and snails are also commonly eaten.

They often hunt from a perch, swooping down to catch prey on the ground or in mid-air. During migration, they may supplement their diet with small berries and seeds.


Whinchats are often seen perched upright on tall stems or fence posts, from which they make short flights to catch insects. They have a characteristic habit of flicking their wings and tail when alighting.

During the breeding season, males perform aerial displays to attract mates and defend territories.


Only male Whinchats sing, and the song is a short, hurried warble interspersed with harsh notes. Their most distinctive call is a sharp 'tick' or 'tack', often repeated.

This can sometimes be heard at night, particularly in spring. It’s less common to hear Whinchats singing on their winter territories. During courtship, males may incorporate mimicry of other bird species into their songs.

As well as the male’s chirping song, a harsh alarm call that sounds like ‘tec-tec-tec’ can be heard when intruders approach the nest site.

Nesting & Breeding

Whinchat breeding season typically runs from May to July. Males establish territories and attract females with aerial displays and song flights.

Nests are built on or near the ground, often at the base of a bush or in dense vegetation. The cup-shaped nest is constructed of grass and moss, lined with finer materials. Females lay 4-7 pale blue-green eggs with fine reddish speckling.

Incubation lasts about 13 days, primarily by the female. Both parents feed the chicks, which fledge after 11-14 days but remain dependent on adults for another two weeks. One brood is typical, although two may be attempted.

Conservation and Status

Global Conservation Status

Least Concern [1]

While currently listed as Least Concern globally, Whinchat populations are declining in parts of Europe due to agricultural intensification and habitat loss.

Conservation efforts focus on maintaining suitable breeding habitats and promoting wildlife-friendly farming practices.

Population Data

Global Population Estimate

17,200,000 - 28,500,000 individuals [2]

Global Population Trend

Trend data may be uncertain or fluctuating

Birdwatching Tips

  • Look for Whinchats in open grasslands, meadows, and farmland with scattered bushes
  • Listen for their sharp 'tick' call, often given from a prominent perch
  • Observe their habit of repeatedly returning to the same perch after foraging flights
  • In the UK, watch for them during spring and autumn migrations in coastal areas

Additional Information

Quick Facts

Other names:

Whin chat



Average Lifespan

2 years

Max Lifespan

6.9 years [4]


Whinchats are preyed upon by various raptors, including Sparrowhawks and Merlins, as well as ground predators like foxes and weasels.

Did You Know?

  1. Whinchats can travel up to 4,000 km (2,485 miles) during their annual migration.
  2. They have an excellent memory for locations, often returning to the same breeding territories year after year.
  3. The name 'Whinchat' comes from their association with gorse, also known as 'whin' in parts of Britain, and ‘chat’ in reference to the chattering call it makes.
  4. The scientific name for the species, Saxicola rubetra, means ‘small rock dweller’.


  1. 1 2

    website: BirdLife International. 2016. Saxicola rubetra. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T22710156A87906903.

    View source
  2. 3

    report, 2015: EBCC

  3. 4

    website, 2010: Fransson et al., EURING list of longevity records for European birds

    View source

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