A charming little bird with a big personality, often spotted perched atop gorse bushes and fence posts across Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Visual Identification


The Stonechat is a small, stocky, robin-like bird with a distinctive appearance.

Males have a black head, white half-collar, and orange-red breast, contrasting with brown upperparts and a white patch on the wings. The tail and rump are black.

Females are duller, with a brown head and less contrasting plumage. Juveniles resemble females but have spotted upperparts and a scaly pattern on the breast.



11.5cm to 13cm


18cm to 21cm


13g to 17g


Primary Colour

Black White Orange

Secondary Colour

Grey Brown

Beak Colour


Leg Colour


Habitat and Distribution















Stonechats inhabit open areas with low vegetation, including heathland, coastal dunes, and rough grassland. They prefer habitats with scattered bushes or brambles for perching and nesting.

They are widespread in Europe, with resident populations in the UK and Ireland. Some northern populations migrate south for winter, while others are partial migrants or residents, depending on local climate conditions.

Elevation Range

Sea level to 3,200 meters

Climate zones

Temperate, Subtropical

Distribution Map

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Distribution by Region

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Behaviour and Ecology

Bird Attributes

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Agility 75
Strength 30
Adaptability 70
Aggressiveness 60
Endurance 55


Stonechats primarily feed on insects, including beetles, flies, and caterpillars. Other common prey items include ants, grasshoppers, earwigs, snails, earthworms and small lizards.

They hunt by perching on a prominent spot and swooping down to catch prey on the ground or in mid-air. In autumn and winter, they may supplement their diet with small seeds and berries, notably blackberries.


Stonechats are often seen perched upright on prominent low perches, such as fence posts or the tops of bushes. They frequently bob their tails and flick their wings while perched.

These birds are territorial and will chase off intruders with rapid, darting flights.


The Stonechat's name comes from its distinctive call, a sharp 'chak' sound reminiscent of two pebbles being struck together. This characteristic call is interspersed with a high-pitched ‘weet’ note.

Their song is a short, scratchy warble, often delivered from a prominent perch. Males may sing throughout the year but are most vocal during the breeding season.

Nesting & Breeding

Stonechats form monogamous pairs and begin breeding in late March or early April. Males perform display flights and sing to attract females.

The nest is built low in dense vegetation, often in gorse or heather. It's a cup-shaped structure made of grass, moss, and plant stems lined with finer materials. Females typically lay 4-6 pale blue-green eggs with fine reddish-brown spots.

Incubation lasts about 13-14 days, primarily by the female. Both parents feed the chicks, which fledge after 12-13 days. Pairs often raise two or three broods per season.


Typical Lifespan Range 4 - 5 years
Max Recorded Lifespan 8.8 years [1]


The Stonechat typically lives for 4 to 5 years, with a maximum recorded lifespan of 8.8 years.

Like all birds, lifespan can be affected by factors including predation, habitat quality, disease, and access to food sources.

Conservation and Status

Global Conservation Status

Least Concern [2]

While the Stonechat is listed as Least Concern globally, some local populations have experienced declines due to habitat loss and agricultural intensification.

Conservation efforts focus on maintaining suitable breeding habitats, particularly in areas of heathland and coastal scrub.

Population Data

Global Population Estimate

58,000,000 - 93,000,000 mature individuals [3]

Global Population Trend


Birdwatching Tips

  • Look for Stonechats in open habitats with scattered bushes or low vegetation
  • Listen for their distinctive 'chak' call, which sounds like two stones being tapped together
  • Observe their habit of perching conspicuously on tops of bushes or fence posts
  • In the UK, check coastal areas and heathlands for resident populations

Additional Information

Quick Facts

Other names:

European Stonechat, Common Stonechat




Stonechats are preyed upon by various raptors, including Sparrowhawks and Merlins, as well as mammals such as stoats and weasels.

Did You Know?

  1. Stonechats can raise up to three broods in a single breeding season.
  2. Their scientific name 'Saxicola' means 'rock-dweller', although they're more commonly found in scrubland.
  3. In some regions, Stonechats are considered indicators of habitat quality for other grassland species.

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Do Stonechats winter in the UK?

Some Stonechats leave the United Kingdom in winter to enjoy the warmer weather in Southern Europe and North Africa. However, most remain in the UK all year, often moving to coastal and low-lying areas.


  1. 2 3

    website: BirdLife International. 2020. Saxicola torquatus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T22710184A181614254.

    View source
  2. 4

    report, 2015: EBCC

  3. 1

    website, 2010: Fransson et al., EURING list of longevity records for European birds

    View source