Crows and Jays


Species 16
Size range 25 - 68 cm
Threatened Species 0

Family Distribution

Notable Species

Common Raven
Common Raven
Largest Wingspan
Blue Jay
Longest Living
Blue Jay
26.2 years

Attribute Champions

Most Agile

The Alpine Chough is exceptionally agile, renowned for its acrobatic aerial displays and daring manoeuvres along cliff faces. Its ability to perform complex flight patterns and navigate challenging mountain terrain demonstrates remarkable agility.


Whilst not the strongest bird, American Crows possess considerable strength for their size. Their robust bodies and strong legs enable them to handle a variety of food items, including small animals and tough-skinned fruits. Their ability to construct large nests high in trees also indicates good strength.

Most Adaptable

American Crows excel in adaptability. Their presence in diverse habitats from sea level to 2,000 metres, success in both rural and urban environments, and ability to thrive on varied diets demonstrate exceptional adaptability. Their problem-solving skills and tool use further underscore this trait.

Most Aggressive

These birds display significant aggression, particularly in defence of their territory and when mobbing predators. Their willingness to confront larger raptors and their dominant presence in urban environments indicate a high level of assertiveness. However, they're not indiscriminately aggressive, showing complex social behaviours within their groups.

Highest Endurance

The Alpine Chough demonstrates impressive endurance, living year-round in harsh alpine conditions. Its ability to survive at extremely high altitudes (up to 8,000 metres) and withstand low oxygen levels indicates exceptional endurance. The bird's capacity for long periods of soaring flight further supports this high endurance rating.


Alpine Chough

Alpine Chough

Pyrrhocorax graculus

Least Concern
American Crow

American Crow

Corvus brachyrhynchos

Least Concern
Australian Raven

Australian Raven

Corvus coronoides

Least Concern
Blue Jay

Blue Jay

Cyanocitta cristata

Least Concern
Carrion Crow

Carrion Crow

Corvus corone

Least Concern
Common Raven

Common Raven

Corvus corax

Least Concern
Eurasian Jay

Eurasian Jay

Garrulus glandarius

Least Concern
Fish Crow

Fish Crow

Corvus ossifragus

Least Concern
Hooded Crow

Hooded Crow

Corvus cornix

Least Concern


Corvus monedula

Least Concern


Pica pica

Least Concern
New Caledonian Crow

New Caledonian Crow

Corvus moneduloides

Least Concern
Pied Crow

Pied Crow

Corvus albus

Least Concern
Red-billed Blue Magpie

Red-billed Blue Magpie

Urocissa erythroryncha

Least Concern
Red-billed Chough

Red-billed Chough

Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax

Least Concern


Corvus frugilegus

Least Concern