Corvus moneduloides
Least Concern
Known for its remarkable problem-solving abilities and tool use, the New Caledonian crow is a fascinating species endemic to the South Pacific island of New Caledonia. This all-black bird, often spotted in family groups, is noted for its complex feeding behaviors that reveal a high level of intelligence and adaptability.
Males and females have similar plumage
Dark Brown
Plumage is entirely glossy black
Long and rounded
40cm to 44cm
80cm to 90cm
220g to 355g
Varied, including 'caw' and 'squawk'
A range of calls and noises, including mimicry of other birds
Harsh, loud caw
Active during the day, foraging and using tools to find food
Social, often found in family groups
Defends territory, especially during breeding season
Generally peaceful, but can be aggressive in defense of territory
Insects, Fruits
Forages on the ground and in trees, often using tools to extract insects
Throughout the day
Manual dexterity and tool use
Diet varies with season and available food sources
None known
Tall trees
Stick nest in tree fork
September to November
Pale blue with brown and grey spots
3-4 cm
2-4 eggs
20 days
45 days
Both parents care for chicks
Endemic to New Caledonia
Forests and open country
Sea level to mountain tops
Tropical rainforest
Please note, this range and distribution map is a high-level overview, and doesn't break down into specific regions and areas of the countries.