Lullula arborea
The Woodlark is a small, compact bird with a distinctive short crest on its head. Its plumage is primarily brown, with darker streaks on the back and pale underparts. The tail is short with white outer feathers, visible in flight.
Both sexes look similar, with juveniles resembling adults but having a more spotted appearance. The bird's eye-stripe and pale supercilium (eyebrow) are notable field marks.
Their legs and feet are pinkish brown and set well back toward the tail. Their straight, medium-length bill is brownish, with a pinkish base to the lower half (mandible).
15cm to 17cm
27cm to 30cm
23g to 35g
Males and females have similar plumage
Primary Colour
Secondary Colour
White Black
Beak Colour
Brown Pink
Leg Colour
Woodlarks inhabit open woodlands, heathlands, and forest edges across Europe and parts of western Asia. They prefer areas with bare ground or short vegetation interspersed with scattered trees or bushes.
In the UK, they are found mainly in southern England, with some populations in Wales and eastern England. During winter, some birds from northern Europe migrate to milder regions, including southern parts of their range.
The best UK sites include Breckland - Norfolk & Suffolk, New Forest - Hampshire & Wiltshire, Surrey heathlands, RSPB Minsmere and RSPB North Warren - Suffolk.
Up to 3,000 meters
Temperate, Mediterranean
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Woodlarks are omnivorous birds that primarily feed on insects and seeds. During breeding season, they consume a higher proportion of invertebrates, including beetles, flies, and spiders. In winter, their diet shifts more towards seeds from grasses and weeds, foraged from the ground.
Woodlarks are often seen perched on treetops or singing in flight. They have a characteristic undulating flight pattern and frequently engage in aerial displays during breeding season.
On the ground, they walk or run rather than hop, foraging for food in short vegetation.
The Woodlark's song is a beautiful, melodious warble, often described as a series of liquid notes ending with a distinctive 'lu-lu-lu' phrase. It's frequently delivered during circular song flights, making it a key identifier. Their call is a soft, musical 'tu-li' or 'dlooee'.
Woodlarks form monogamous pairs and begin breeding in early spring. Males perform elaborate song flights to attract mates and defend territories.
The nest is a well-concealed cup made of grass and plant material, typically placed on the ground under cover of vegetation, often in areas with sandy soil. Females lay 3-5 eggs, which are white or pale grey with brown speckles.
Incubation lasts about 13-15 days, solely by the female. Both parents feed the chicks, which fledge after 11-13 days. Woodlarks often produce two broods per season.
The Woodlark typically lives for 3 years, with a maximum recorded lifespan of 6 years.
Like all birds, lifespan can be affected by factors including predation, habitat quality, disease, and access to food sources.
While listed as Least Concern globally, Woodlarks face local declines due to habitat loss and agricultural intensification.
Conservation efforts focus on maintaining suitable breeding habitats, particularly in Western Europe, where the species has experienced historical declines.
Wood Lark
Main predators include foxes, stoats, and birds of prey such as Sparrowhawks and Kestrels. Ground-nesting habits make eggs and chicks vulnerable to various mammalian predators.
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Woodlarks and Skylarks are very similar in appearance, although you are much likelier to spot the widespread and common Skylark in the UK than its relatively rare and localised relative. Look for the following identifying features to help distinguish between these songbirds.
website: BirdLife International. 2019. Lullula arborea (amended version of 2017 assessment). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T22717411A155597798.
View sourcereport, 2015: EBCC
website, 2012: Robinson and Clark, The Online Ringing Report: Bird ringing in Britain & Ireland in 2011
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