European Turtle-dove


Streptopelia turtur

The gentle coo of this migratory bird has long been a cherished sound of European summers, now sadly fading from many landscapes.

Visual Identification


The European Turtle-dove is a medium-sized dove with a distinctive appearance. Its back and wings are mottled brown with black edges, creating a scaly pattern.

The breast is pale pinkish-grey, and the neck features a patch of black and white stripes. Their eyes are red, with black pupils, and their legs are purplish.

Females are often paler and duller than males, although it is difficult to distinguish between the sexes on appearance alone. Juveniles have a duller plumage, lacking the neck patch. During the breeding season, adults develop a slightly more vibrant colouration.



26cm to 28cm


47cm to 53cm


100g to 170g


Males and females have similar plumage

Primary Colour

Brown Grey

Secondary Colour

Black White

Beak Colour


Leg Colour

Red Pink

Habitat and Distribution















European Turtle-doves breed across much of Europe and western Asia, favouring open woodlands, forest edges, and farmland with hedgerows. They require a mosaic of habitats, including areas for nesting and feeding.

During winter, they migrate to sub-Saharan Africa. In the UK, they are summer visitors, mainly found in southern and eastern England, with some occurrences in Wales. Most arrive in April and depart by late August, so there is a brief window to see these migratory birds.

Elevation Range

Up to 1,300 meters

Climate zones

Temperate, Mediterranean

Distribution Map

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Distribution by Region

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Behaviour and Ecology

Bird Attributes

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Agility 85
Strength 40
Adaptability 70
Aggressiveness 25
Endurance 80


European Turtle-doves primarily feed on seeds from various plants, including cereals, weeds, and legumes. They have a particular preference for fumitory seeds. Other important seed plants are Setaria, Chickweed, Rapeseed, Vetch and White clover.

These doves forage mainly on the ground, often in agricultural fields or at the edges of woodlands. They also supplement their diet with small invertebrates like worms, insects, and snails.


European Turtle-doves are known for their graceful, swift flight with rapid wingbeats. They often forage on the ground in pairs or small groups, pecking for seeds.

During courtship, males perform a distinctive flight display, climbing steeply before gliding down with wings and tail spread.


The European Turtle-dove's call is a soft, gentle purring sound, often described as 'turr-turr'. This distinctive vocalisation is typically heard during the breeding season and is primarily made by males. The call has a soothing quality and is lower-pitched compared to many other dove species.

Nesting & Breeding

Breeding occurs from late April to August. Males attract females with their distinctive purring call and perform elaborate flight displays. Pairs form strong bonds during the breeding season and often pair for life.

Nests are flimsy platforms of twigs, typically placed in trees or large shrubs, often in hedgerows. Females usually lay two glossy white eggs per clutch.

Both parents incubate the eggs for about 14 days. Chicks fledge after 18-21 days but remain dependent on their parents for another 1-2 weeks.


Typical Lifespan Range 2 - years
Max Recorded Lifespan 13.2 years [1]


The European Turtle-dove typically lives for 2 years, with a maximum recorded lifespan of 13.2 years.

Like all birds, lifespan can be affected by factors including predation, habitat quality, disease, and access to food sources.

Conservation and Status

Global Conservation Status

Vulnerable [2]

The European Turtle-dove is classified as Vulnerable due to rapid population declines. Habitat loss, changes in agricultural practices, and hunting during migration are major threats.

Conservation efforts focus on creating suitable breeding habitats and reducing hunting pressure along migration routes.

Population Data

Global Population Estimate

12,800,000 - 47,600,000 mature individuals [3]

Global Population Trend


Birdwatching Tips

  • Listen for their soft, purring 'turr-turr' call in woodland edges and farmland
  • Look for them feeding on the ground in open areas near trees
  • Observe their courtship flights in late spring and early summer
  • In the UK, visit nature reserves in southern and eastern England during the summer months

Additional Information

Quick Facts

Other names:

Turtle Dove




Main predators include birds of prey such as sparrowhawks and goshawks, as well as domestic and feral cats.

Did You Know?

  1. The turtle dove is featured in the famous Christmas carol 'The Twelve Days of Christmas'.
  2. They can fly at speeds of up to 60 km/h (37 mph) during migration.
  3. Turtle doves form strong pair bonds and often return to the same breeding sites each year.
  4. In a pioneering study, researchers attached a satellite transmitter to a male specimen and tracked his migration to the West African country of Mali and back, an impressive journey of over 11,000 kilometres!

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Why are they called Turtle Doves?

Turtle Doves probably take their name for their coo-ing ‘turr-turr’ song that sounds like the word turtle. However, their common name could also be in reference to the tortoise-shell-like plumage on their wings.

Do Turtle Doves mourn?

Turtle Doves have been a symbol of love for centuries, and their habit of forming close bonds with their breeding partner may lead to speculation about their ability to mourn.

We don’t really know if these birds can mourn, although more romantic birdwatchers like to think they do.

How to attract Turtle Doves?

Turtle Doves are not common garden birds, although they may visit bird tables at properties near their preferred habitats.

However, farmers and land owners in their breeding range are encouraged to attract these birds by growing plots of cereals and other favoured food sources, limiting herbicide use, and maintaining suitable habitats like hedgerows, scrub, and shrubby woodland borders.

Are Turtle Doves a pest?

Turtle Doves are not a pest species. In fact, these birds are in rapid decline and need our active protection if they are to recover to healthy levels.


  1. 2 3

    website: BirdLife International. 2019. Streptopelia turtur. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T22690419A154373407.

    View source
  2. 4

    report: EBCC; RSPB; BirdLife; Statistics Netherlands

  3. 1

    website, 2010: Fransson et al., EURING list of longevity records for European birds

    View source