Barn Swallow

Hirundo rustica

Swooping gracefully through the skies, this agile flyer catches insects on the wing and heralds the arrival of spring in many parts of the world.
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Visual Identification


The Barn Swallow is a sleek, small bird with a distinctive deeply forked tail and long, pointed wings. Its upperparts are glossy steel-blue, contrasting with a rusty-red forehead and throat. The underparts are buffy to white, often with a reddish wash.

Males typically have longer tail streamers and more vibrant coloration than females. Juveniles are duller, with shorter tails and a paler throat.



17cm to 19cm


32cm to 34cm


16g to 22g


Primary Colour

Blue Orange

Secondary Colour


Beak Colour


Leg Colour


Primary Colour (Female)

Blue Orange

Secondary Colour (Female)


Beak Colour (Female)


Leg Colour (Female)


Habitat and Distribution



The Barn Swallow is not typically found in Woodland habitats.


The Barn Swallow is not typically found in Garden habitats.


The Barn Swallow can be found in Wetland habitats.


The Barn Swallow is not typically found in Coastal habitats.


The Barn Swallow can be found in Urban habitats.


The Barn Swallow can be found in Farmland habitats.


The Barn Swallow can be found in Grassland habitats.


The Barn Swallow is not typically found in Desert habitats.


The Barn Swallow is not typically found in Tundra habitats.


The Barn Swallow is not typically found in Rainforest habitats.


The Barn Swallow is not typically found in Mountain habitats.


The Barn Swallow is not typically found in Savanna habitats.


Barn Swallows have a nearly global distribution, breeding across much of the Northern Hemisphere and wintering in the Southern Hemisphere. They prefer open habitats near water, including farmlands, meadows, and suburban areas.

They are common summer visitors to the UK, USA, and Canada and can be found year-round in parts of Australia. Their adaptability to human structures has allowed them to thrive in diverse environments.

Elevation Range

Sea level to 3,000 meters

Climate zones

Temperate, Subtropical, Tropical

Distribution Map

This map gives you a rough idea of where you might spot a Barn Swallow. The coloured areas show countries where these birds have been seen.

A few things to keep in mind:

  • Birds might not be everywhere in the coloured areas, for example, they may be present around the coast of that country
  • Where birds live can change with seasons and available food
  • This map is quite simple - it doesn't show exact locations

We're working on making our maps even better! Soon, we hope to show you:

  • More detailed maps for bigger countries, including state and region
  • How birds move around during different seasons
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Distribution by Region

Species that can be found in the area throughout the year
Algeria Angola Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Aruba Australia Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belize Benin Bermuda Bolivia Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile Christmas Island Colombia Comoros Congo CΓ΄te D'Ivoire Cuba Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic East Timor (Timor-Leste) Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Eswatini Ethiopia Falkland Islands Finland France French Guiana Gabon Gambia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hong Kong Indonesia Iran Iraq Italy Jordan Kenya Kuwait Laos Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Macao Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Martinique Mauritania Mexico Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Niger Nigeria Oman Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines Portugal Puerto Rico Rwanda Saint Barthelemy Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovenia Somalia South Africa South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Syria Tanzania Thailand The Bahamas Togo Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turks and Caicos Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates Venezuela Western Sahara Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe
Species that are present in the area during their breeding season
Afghanistan Albania Andorra Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bhutan Bosnia and Herzegovina China Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Faroe Islands Georgia Gibraltar Hungary Iceland India Ireland Israel Japan Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Malta Moldova Mongolia Montenegro Nepal Netherlands North Korea Norway Pakistan Poland Romania Russia Serbia Slovakia South Korea Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Tajikistan The United Kingdom Turkey Turkmenistan United States of America Uzbekistan Vietnam
Species that are present in the area outside their breeding season
British Virgin Islands Costa Rica Jamaica Micronesia Uruguay US Virgin Islands
Species that pass through the area during migration
Canada Guadeloupe Nicaragua Palestine Qatar South Sudan
Species that appear infrequently (rare) and unpredictably outside their normal range
Greenland Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands

Behaviour and Ecology

Bird Attributes

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Bird Attributes Explained

Our bird attributes system rates various aspects of a bird's capabilities on a scale of 0-100, based on data from field observations, scientific studies, and expert knowledge.

Attribute Categories:
  • Agility: Manoeuvrability, speed, and grace in flight or movement.
  • Strength: Physical power, often correlating with size and hunting abilities.
  • Adaptability: Ability to thrive in various environments or changing conditions.
  • Aggressiveness: Territorial behaviour and assertiveness, particularly during breeding seasons.
  • Endurance: Stamina, often seen in migration patterns or foraging behaviours.

Understanding the Ratings:

  • 0-20: Very Low
  • 21-40: Low
  • 41-60: Average
  • 61-80: High
  • 81-100: Very High

Remember, these attributes are relative to other bird species and don't necessarily indicate superiority.

Tap the icon next to each attribute for more information.

Agility 95


Reflects the bird's manoeuvrability, speed, and grace in flight or movement.

The Barn Swallow is renowned for its exceptional agility, performing intricate aerial manoeuvres to catch insects mid-flight. Their deeply forked tail and long, pointed wings enable swift, graceful movements, making them true masters of the air.

Strength 30


Indicates the bird's physical power, often correlating with size and hunting abilities.

Whilst not particularly strong in terms of raw power, Barn Swallows possess enough strength for their size to build mud nests and carry out long-distance migrations. Their strength is more focused on endurance than brute force.

Adaptability 85


Represents the bird's ability to thrive in various environments or changing conditions.

Barn Swallows demonstrate remarkable adaptability, thriving in diverse habitats from sea level to 3,000 metres elevation. Their ability to nest in human structures and adjust to various environments across multiple continents showcases their high adaptability.

Aggressiveness 40


Measures the bird's territorial behaviour and assertiveness, particularly during breeding seasons.

Generally non-aggressive towards humans, Barn Swallows can display territorial behaviour during breeding season. They may mob predators to protect their nests but are not typically considered an aggressive species compared to many other birds.

Endurance 90


Reflects the bird's stamina, often seen in migration patterns or foraging behaviours.

Barn Swallows exhibit impressive endurance, undertaking long-distance migrations of up to 11,000 km. Their ability to fly continuously for extended periods, catching insects on the wing and even drinking and bathing mid-flight, demonstrates exceptional stamina.


Barn Swallows are insectivores, primarily feeding on flying insects such as flies, moths, and beetles. They catch their prey in mid-air, often flying low over fields or water bodies. They'll also eat flying ants, moths, and beetles.

During the breeding season, they may consume up to 60 insects per hour to sustain their high energy needs.


Barn Swallows are highly social birds, often seen in large flocks during migration and winter. They are agile flyers, catching insects on the wing with swift, graceful movements.

These birds frequently perch on wires or branches, chattering amongst themselves and preening.


Barn Swallows are known for their cheerful, twittering song, often described as a series of liquid chirps and warbles. Their call is a sharp 'vit' or 'vit-vit'. During the breeding season, males sing more elaborately, producing a pleasant, bubbling warble that sounds like 'weet-weet-wittit-wittit-wittit'.

They also produce alarm calls when they detect a threat and when attempting to deter predators from the nest.

Nesting & Breeding

Barn Swallows typically form monogamous pairs, with breeding occurring from spring to early summer. Courtship involves aerial displays and melodious duets.

Nests are cup-shaped structures made of mud pellets mixed with grass, lined with feathers. They are often attached to rafters in barns or under bridges. Females lay 4-5 white eggs with reddish-brown spots.

Incubation lasts about 14-19 days, with both parents sharing duties. Nestlings fledge after 18-23 days but remain dependent on their parents for up to a week after leaving the nest.

Conservation and Status

Global Conservation Status

Least Concern [1]

While globally listed as Least Concern, Barn Swallow populations have declined in some regions due to agricultural intensification and loss of nesting sites.

Conservation efforts focus on maintaining suitable nesting habitats and reducing pesticide use in foraging areas.

Population Data

Global Population Estimate

290,000,000 - 487,000,000 mature individuals [2]

Global Population Trend

Trend data may be uncertain or fluctuating

Birdwatching Tips

  • Look for Barn Swallows near open fields, farmlands, and water bodies.
  • Observe their distinctive forked tails during flight.
  • Listen for their cheerful, twittering calls, especially near nesting sites.
  • In the UK and North America, check barns and outbuildings for nesting pairs in spring and summer.

Additional Information

Quick Facts

Other names:

European Swallow, Common Swallow



Average Lifespan

2 years

Max Lifespan

11.1 years [4]


Main predators include domestic cats, hawks, falcons, and occasionally snakes and rats, especially for nestlings and eggs.

Did You Know?

  1. Barn Swallows can drink and bathe on the wing, skimming the water's surface.
  2. They often return to the same nesting site year after year, travelling up to 11,000 km during migration.
  3. In many cultures, Barn Swallows symbolise good luck and heralds of spring.


What is special about a Swallow bird?

The Swallow’s impressive annual migration is one of its most fascinating behaviors. These tiny birds switch between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres each year to take advantage of the alternating spring and summer seasons on either side of the equator. They can fly over a hundred miles in a day and may have to fly even further when crossing open stretches of the ocean.

Are Swallows good to have around your house?

Homeowners do not always appreciate Swallows. Their mud nest and droppings make them unpopular with some people, although their presence also has some great benefits. These birds are highly effective at controlling small flying insects like mosquitoes and other pests.


  1. 1 2 3

    website: BirdLife International. 2019. Hirundo rustica. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T22712252A137668645.

    View source
  2. 4

    website, 2010: Fransson et al., EURING list of longevity records for European birds

    View source

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