Common Starling

Sturnus vulgaris

This iridescent troublemaker has a knack for mimicry and a taste for farmland snacks, making it both admired and controversial across its widespread range.
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Visual Identification


The Common Starling is a small, stocky bird with a short tail and pointed wings. Its plumage is glossy black with an iridescent sheen, displaying hues of green and purple in bright light. The bill is yellow in the breeding season and darker in winter.

Females are mostly similar to males, although they tend to be. They also develop the bright yellow bill during the breeding season, although the bill base tends to be pinkish in females. Females also tend to be a little less glossy than males and have shorter feathers on the throat.

During winter, the bird's feathers are covered in white spots, giving it a speckled appearance. Juveniles are uniformly dull brown before moulting into adult plumage.



19cm to 22cm


31cm to 44cm


60g to 100g


Males and females have similar plumage

Primary Colour

Black Iridescent

Secondary Colour

Green Purple

Beak Colour


Leg Colour


Habitat and Distribution



The Common Starling can be found in Woodland habitats.


The Common Starling is not typically found in Garden habitats.


The Common Starling is not typically found in Wetland habitats.


The Common Starling is not typically found in Coastal habitats.


The Common Starling can be found in Urban habitats.


The Common Starling can be found in Farmland habitats.


The Common Starling can be found in Grassland habitats.


The Common Starling is not typically found in Desert habitats.


The Common Starling is not typically found in Tundra habitats.


The Common Starling is not typically found in Rainforest habitats.


The Common Starling is not typically found in Mountain habitats.


The Common Starling is not typically found in Savanna habitats.


Common Starlings are highly adaptable and thrive in a wide range of habitats, including urban areas, farmland, and open woodlands. They are native to Europe, western Asia, and North Africa but have been introduced to many parts of the world.

In North America, Australia, and New Zealand, starlings are considered an invasive species. They are abundant year-round residents in the UK, widespread across the US, and common in urban areas of Canada and Australia.

Elevation Range

Up to 2,000 meters

Climate zones

Temperate, Subtropical

Distribution Map

This map gives you a rough idea of where you might spot a Common Starling. The coloured areas show countries where these birds have been seen.

A few things to keep in mind:

  • Birds might not be everywhere in the coloured areas, for example, they may be present around the coast of that country
  • Where birds live can change with seasons and available food
  • This map is quite simple - it doesn't show exact locations

We're working on making our maps even better! Soon, we hope to show you:

  • More detailed maps for bigger countries, including state and region
  • How birds move around during different seasons
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Distribution by Region

Species that can be found in the area throughout the year
Algeria Argentina Aruba Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bermuda Bulgaria Canada Cayman Islands Croatia Cuba Czech Republic Denmark Dominican Republic Egypt Estonia Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France Germany Greece Haiti Hong Kong Hungary Iceland Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Latvia Lebanon Libya Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Malta Mexico Moldova Morocco Nepal Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Romania Saint Pierre and Miquelon Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Syria The Bahamas The United Kingdom Tunisia Turkey Turks and Caicos Ukraine United Arab Emirates US Virgin Islands
Species that are present in the area during their breeding season
Albania Armenia Australia Bosnia and Herzegovina China Georgia Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Liechtenstein Mongolia Montenegro New Zealand Russia Serbia Spain Tajikistan Tonga Turkmenistan United States of America Uzbekistan
Species that are present in the area outside their breeding season
Afghanistan Bahrain Cyprus Gibraltar Jordan Kuwait Oman Palestine Qatar Saudi Arabia
Species that appear infrequently (rare) and unpredictably outside their normal range
Bhutan Cape Verde Greenland Maldives Myanmar Panama South Korea Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands Taiwan Thailand Vietnam Yemen

Behaviour and Ecology

Bird Attributes

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Bird Attributes Explained

Our bird attributes system rates various aspects of a bird's capabilities on a scale of 0-100, based on data from field observations, scientific studies, and expert knowledge.

Attribute Categories:
  • Agility: Manoeuvrability, speed, and grace in flight or movement.
  • Strength: Physical power, often correlating with size and hunting abilities.
  • Adaptability: Ability to thrive in various environments or changing conditions.
  • Aggressiveness: Territorial behaviour and assertiveness, particularly during breeding seasons.
  • Endurance: Stamina, often seen in migration patterns or foraging behaviours.

Understanding the Ratings:

  • 0-20: Very Low
  • 21-40: Low
  • 41-60: Average
  • 61-80: High
  • 81-100: Very High

Remember, these attributes are relative to other bird species and don't necessarily indicate superiority.

Tap the icon next to each attribute for more information.

Agility 85


Reflects the bird's manoeuvrability, speed, and grace in flight or movement.

The Common Starling demonstrates remarkable agility, particularly evident in their spectacular aerial displays known as murmurations. Their ability to perform synchronised, complex flight patterns in large flocks showcases their exceptional manoeuvrability and spatial awareness.

Strength 60


Indicates the bird's physical power, often correlating with size and hunting abilities.

Whilst not exceptionally strong for their size, Common Starlings possess adequate strength for their lifestyle. Their ability to probe soil for invertebrates and defend nesting sites indicates a moderate level of physical prowess relative to their small stature.

Adaptability 95


Represents the bird's ability to thrive in various environments or changing conditions.

Common Starlings exhibit extraordinary adaptability, thriving in diverse habitats from urban areas to farmlands and woodlands. Their success as an invasive species in multiple continents further underscores their remarkable capacity to adapt to new environments and food sources.

Aggressiveness 70


Measures the bird's territorial behaviour and assertiveness, particularly during breeding seasons.

These birds display a moderate level of aggressiveness, particularly during breeding season when defending nesting sites. Their success in competing with native species in introduced ranges suggests a certain level of assertiveness, though they are not considered exceptionally aggressive among bird species.

Endurance 75


Reflects the bird's stamina, often seen in migration patterns or foraging behaviours.

Common Starlings demonstrate good endurance, evidenced by their ability to perform extended aerial displays and their success as partial migrants. Their capacity to thrive in various climates and altitudes up to 1000 metres also indicates robust endurance, though they are not known for extreme long-distance migrations.


Common Starlings are omnivorous and opportunistic feeders. Their diet includes insects, worms, snails, and a variety of fruits and berries.

They often forage on the ground, using their strong bills to probe the soil for invertebrates. In urban areas, they readily take advantage of human food scraps.


Common Starlings are highly social birds, often seen in large, noisy flocks. They perform spectacular aerial displays called murmurations, where thousands of birds swoop and wheel in synchronised patterns.

These birds are also known for their ability to mimic sounds, including human speech and mechanical noises.


Common Starlings are known for their diverse and complex vocalisations. Their natural song is a series of whistles, warbles, and rattles. They are excellent mimics, capable of imitating other bird calls, frog croaks, and even human speech or mechanical sounds.

The typical call is a harsh, descending whistle that sounds like 'tseer'.ย Starlings often call to signal aggression, maintain contact with other starlings, and alert other birds to sources of danger.

Nesting & Breeding

Breeding season for Starlings typically begins in spring. Males attract females by singing and displaying at potential nest sites, often returning to the same location each year.

Nests are built in cavities, including tree holes, buildings, and nest boxes. The nest is a loose collection of grass, leaves, and other plant material. Females lay 4-6 pale blue eggs. Some eggs may appear more greenish or whitish than blue, however.

Incubation lasts about 12 days, and both parents share duties. Nestlings fledge after 21-23 days but continue to be fed by their parents for 1-2 weeks after leaving the nest.

Conservation and Status

Global Conservation Status

Least Concern [1]

While the Common Starling is listed as Least Concern globally, populations have declined in parts of Europe and North America.

In the UK, it is on the Red List of conservation concern due to breeding population declines. Conservation efforts focus on maintaining suitable habitats and nesting sites.

Population Data

Global Population Estimate

250,000,000 mature individuals [2]

Global Population Trend

Trend data may be uncertain or fluctuating

Birdwatching Tips

  • Look for starlings in open areas like parks, fields, and urban settings
  • Listen for their varied vocalisations, including mimicry of other birds and sounds
  • Observe large flocks performing murmurations at dusk, especially in autumn and winter
  • In the UK and US, starlings are common year-round, making them easy to spot in urban and suburban areas

Additional Information

Quick Facts

Other names:

European Starling, Starling



Average Lifespan

2 to 5 years

Max Lifespan

22.9 years [4]


Common Starlings face predation from various birds of prey, including hawks, falcons, and owls. In urban areas, domestic cats are also significant predators, especially of fledglings and juveniles.

Did You Know?

  1. Starlings can open their bills while they're closed in something solid, using a special adaptation in their skull.
  2. A group of starlings is called a 'murmuration', which can contain up to 100,000 birds.
  3. Starlings were introduced to North America in 1890 by a group that wanted to bring all birds mentioned in Shakespeare's works to the New World.
  4. Winter roosts of starlings can hold up to several million birds.


Why starlings are a problem

Starlings are considered a pest in the United States agricultural sector because they cause millions of dollars in damage to fruit crops and consume large amounts of animal feed.

They are also a nuisance in urban and suburban areas because of the mess they leave around roost sites and their habit of nesting in buildings. Starlings frequently outcompete native species for nest sites and food resources.


  1. 1 3

    website: BirdLife International. 2019. Sturnus vulgaris. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T22710886A137493608.

    View source
  2. 2

    website, 2022: Partners in Flight

    View source
  3. 4

    website, 2010: Fransson et al., EURING list of longevity records for European birds

    View source

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