Gavia stellata
Least Concern
Known for its distinctive red throat during the breeding season, the Red-throated Loon is a captivating sight in the Arctic skies. A master diver and long-distance migrant, this bird frequents the coastal waters in winter, offering a melodious call that echoes across the water. Its solitary behavior and elegant flight make it a fascinating subject for bird watchers across the globe.
Time of year: Spring to early summer
Males and females have similar plumage
White, Grey
White, Red
Dark Grey
Dark Grey
Red throat during breeding season
Red throat patch
Short and pointed
Short and pointed
53cm to 69cm
91cm to 120cm
1000g to 2.7kg
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Series of mournful yodels and wails
Varied, often melodious calls, particularly during breeding season
Sharp, short chirps
Active predominantly during the day, foraging and tending to young
Solitary, pairs during breeding season
Defends nesting sites
Annual migration between breeding and wintering areas
Generally solitary, but may form loose flocks during migration
Fish, Crustaceans, Insects
Dives underwater to catch prey
Primarily at dawn and dusk
Underwater pursuit
Varies with location and season
None known
Near freshwater lakes, usually on small islands or floating vegetation
Simple scrape, sometimes lined with vegetation
Late spring to early summer
Variable, but often olive-brown with dark spots
Approximately 7cm x 5cm
1-2 eggs
Around 24-29 days
Approximately 6-7 weeks
Both parents incubate and care for chicks
Breeds in Arctic regions, winters in coastal waters
Lakes, coastal waters, tundra
Sea level to 500m
Annual migration between breeding and wintering areas
Marine, Freshwater
Polar, Temperate
Please note, this range and distribution map is a high-level overview, and doesn't break down into specific regions and areas of the countries.