This tiny dynamo of the forest flits through evergreen branches, its distinctive white nape patch flashing as it acrobatically searches for insects and seeds.

Visual Identification


The Coal Tit is a small bird, characterised by its black cap, white nape patch, and distinctive white cheek patches. Its upperparts are bluish-grey, while the underparts are buff to pale grey, creating a subtle contrast.

Both sexes look alike, with juveniles closely resembling adults but with slightly duller plumage.



10cm to 11.5cm


17cm to 21cm


8g to 10g


Males and females have similar plumage

Primary Colour

Black Grey

Secondary Colour

White Buff

Beak Colour


Leg Colour


Habitat and Distribution















Coal Tits are widely distributed across Europe and Asia, with a strong preference for coniferous and mixed woodlands. They are particularly abundant in areas with spruce, pine, and fir trees, providing food and nesting sites.

In the UK, Coal Tits are resident year-round and can be found in suitable habitats throughout the country, including gardens adjacent to woodlands. Their range extends from lowland to mountainous regions, adapting to various forest types.

Elevation Range

Up to 4,500 meters

Climate zones

Temperate, Subarctic

Distribution Map

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Behaviour and Ecology

Bird Attributes

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Agility 95
Strength 20
Adaptability 85
Aggressiveness 30
Endurance 70


Coal Tits primarily feed on small insects, spiders, and seeds. Their diet shifts seasonally, with a greater emphasis on insects during the breeding season and more seeds in winter.

They are excellent at extracting seeds from conifer cones and are frequent visitors to bird feeders.


Coal Tits are remarkably agile, often seen hanging upside down from branches while foraging. They are known for their 'hoarding' behaviour, storing seeds in bark crevices for later consumption.

They are highly social and frequently join mixed-species flocks outside the breeding season, enhancing their foraging efficiency and predator awareness.


The Coal Tit's call is a high-pitched, thin 'tsee-tsee-tsee' or 'pitchou', often repeated rapidly. Their song is a simple but melodious trill, typically described as 'tee-chu-chu-chu'.

During territorial disputes, they produce a distinctive rapid chattering sound.

Nesting & Breeding

Coal Tits typically form monogamous pairs during the breeding season, which begins in late April or early May. Males court females with a combination of song and displays, often offering food as part of the courtship ritual.

Nests are usually built in tree holes, crevices, or ground, lined with moss, hair, and feathers. The female lays 7-11 small white eggs with reddish-brown speckles.

Incubation lasts about 14-16 days, and it is primarily performed by the female. Both parents feed the nestlings, which fledge after 16-19 days but continue to receive parental care for several weeks after that.


Typical Lifespan Range 2 - 3 years
Max Recorded Lifespan 9.5 years [1]


The Coal Tit typically lives for 2 to 3 years, with a maximum recorded lifespan of 9.5 years.

Like all birds, lifespan can be affected by factors including predation, habitat quality, disease, and access to food sources.

Conservation and Status

Global Conservation Status

Least Concern [2]

While currently listed as Least Concern, Coal Tits face challenges from habitat loss due to deforestation and climate change.

Conservation efforts focus on maintaining diverse forest habitats and promoting sustainable forestry practices to ensure the species' long-term survival.

Population Data

Global Population Estimate

90,850,000 - 164,290,000 mature individuals [3]

Global Population Trend


Birdwatching Tips

  • Look for Coal Tits in coniferous forests and mixed woodlands
  • Listen for their distinctive 'pitchou' call, which is higher-pitched than other tit species
  • Observe bird feeders, where they often dart in quickly to grab seeds
  • In the UK, watch for them in gardens, especially those near wooded areas

Additional Information

Quick Facts

Other names:

Cole Tit




Coal Tits are preyed upon by various small raptors such as Sparrowhawks and Merlins, as well as domestic cats in urban and suburban areas.

Did You Know?

  1. Coal Tits have been observed imitating the calls of other bird species, possibly as a defence mechanism.
  2. They can store up to 800 food items daily, remembering numerous cache locations.
  3. Coal Tits have a special adaptation that allows them to hold food under their tongue while foraging.

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Distinguishing between Coal Tit, Willow Tit and Marsh Tit

In appearance, you are more likely to have difficulty distinguishing the Willow Tit and the Marsh Tit from the coal tit than other tits found within the UK.

This is mainly due to their size and overall colour, which is smaller and duller than Blue Tits or Great Tits. Neither the marsh nor the willow tit has wing bars, whereas the coal tit has two and the blue tit and great tit only one.

The coal tit is also the only one to have a distinctive white patch on its nape. They will often nest almost at ground level in old tree stumps and are the smallest tit resident on our shores.


  1. 2 3

    website: BirdLife International. 2017. Periparus ater (amended version of 2016 assessment). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017: e.T22735965A118835425.

    View source
  2. 4

    report, 2015: EBCC

  3. 1

    journalArticle, 2006: Moller, Sociality, age at first reproduction and senescence: comparative analyses of birds, J Evol Biol, 19:682-689

    View source