Diomedea exulans
Known for its majestic wingspan and far-ranging travels, the Wandering Albatross is a captivating presence in the Southern Ocean's expanse. As the bird with the widest wingspan globally, this remarkable creature glides effortlessly across vast oceanic distances, its brilliant white plumage and solitary habits making it a unique symbol of the wild, open sea.
Males and females have similar plumage
Black, Grey
White, Grey
Large, Hooked
Pale Pink
Black wings, white tail, large pink beak
Darker than adults, brown beak
White with black edges
Brown with white edges
107cm to 135cm
250cm to 350cm
6.72kg to 12kg
Click on an image below to see the full-size version
Series of grunts and whistles
Most vocal on breeding grounds, otherwise silent
Loud, harsh squawks
Active during day, rests on water surface at night
Solitary at sea, social on breeding grounds
Defends nest site during breeding season
Non-migratory but wanders widely at sea
Occasionally forms loose flocks at sea
Fish, Squid
Surface seizes and scavenges
Day and night
Plunge-diving, surface-seizing
May eat carrion
None known
On ground on isolated islands
Mound of mud and vegetation
Every other year
Once every two years
White, oval
10cm x 7cm
Single egg
Around 80 days
Approximately 9 months
Both parents incubate and feed chick
Circumpolar in Southern Ocean
Open ocean, breeds on remote islands
Sea level
Non-migratory but wanders widely at sea
Polar, Temperate
Please note, this range and distribution map is a high-level overview, and doesn't break down into specific regions and areas of the countries.