Turdus philomelos
Song Thrush
The Song Thrush is a medium-sized bird with a warm brown upper body and pale buff underparts marked with distinctive dark brown triangular spots. Its head features large, dark eyes and a slightly curved bill, which is dark above but yellowish below and at the gape.
Both sexes look similar, with juveniles having a more speckled appearance. The bird maintains consistent plumage throughout the year, with no significant seasonal changes. Their legs are pinkish, and their eyes are large and black.
20cm to 23cm
33cm to 36cm
65g to 100g
Males and females have similar plumage
Primary Colour
Secondary Colour
Buff White
Beak Colour
Leg Colour
Song Thrushes inhabit woodlands, gardens, parks, and hedgerows across Europe, extending into parts of western Asia. They prefer areas with trees or shrubs for nesting and open ground for foraging.
In the UK, they are widespread residents and regular garden visitors, with some birds migrating south in winter. Continental European populations tend to be more migratory, moving to southern Europe and North Africa during colder months.
They were also introduced to New Zealand and South Eastern Australia in the mid-1800s and are still present today.
Up to 2,800 meters
Temperate, Subtropical
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Song Thrushes primarily feed on invertebrates, including earthworms, insects, and snails. They also consume a variety of fruits and berries, especially in autumn and winter, when insects are harder to find.
Their unique method of breaking snail shells against stones is a key feeding behaviour.
Song Thrushes are known for their habit of using a favourite stone as an 'anvil' to crack open snail shells. They are often seen hopping across lawns, pausing to listen for earthworms.
These birds are generally solitary or found in pairs, becoming more gregarious during migration periods.
The Song Thrush is renowned for its beautiful, loud, and varied song. It consists of repeated phrases, often sung three times in succession, with a rich, flute-like quality.
The song includes both melodious notes and harsh chattering sounds, sometimes mimicking other birds or environmental noises. Their alarm call is a sharp, repetitive 'tsip' or 'chook'.
Song Thrushes typically form monogamous pairs during the breeding season, which runs from March to August in most of their range. Males establish territories and attract females with their melodious songs.
The nest, built primarily by the female, is a sturdy cup-shaped structure made of grass, twigs, and moss, often lined with mud. It's usually placed in dense vegetation or a tree fork. The female lays 3-5 pale blue eggs with black spots.
Incubation lasts about 13-15 days, primarily by the female. Both parents feed the chicks, which fledge after 13-14 days. Pairs often produce 2-3 broods per season.
The Song Thrush typically lives for 3 years, with a maximum recorded lifespan of 17.7 years.
Like all birds, lifespan can be affected by factors including predation, habitat quality, disease, and access to food sources.
While listed as Least Concern globally, Song Thrush populations have declined in parts of Europe, including the UK. Factors include agricultural intensification, reduction in woodland understory, and use of pesticides affecting their prey.
Conservation efforts focus on maintaining diverse habitats and promoting wildlife-friendly gardening practices.
Throstle, Mavis
Main predators of Song Thrushes include domestic and feral cats, Sparrowhawks, and other birds of prey. Ground-nesting thrushes are also vulnerable to foxes and rodents.
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Sarah Thompson
There are an estimated 1.3 million Song Thrush territories in the United Kingdom.
You can attract Song Thrushes to your garden by creating a suitable habitat for foraging and nesting. A combination of lawn, shrubs and trees, with a layer of leaf litter and mulch, will provide excellent foraging grounds for these welcome birds.
website: BirdLife International. 2018. Turdus philomelos. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T22708822A132076619.
View sourcereport, 2015: EBCC
website, 2010: Fransson et al., EURING list of longevity records for European birds
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