Diomedea epomophora
Known for their majestic wingspan and striking contrast of black and white plumage, the Royal Albatross is an iconic and awe-inspiring presence across the Southern Ocean. As one of the largest flying birds, this magnificent albatross gracefully navigates the open sea, its compelling flight and solitary feeding habits making it a remarkable sight amidst the vast marine wilderness.
Males and females have similar plumage
Black upperwing, white body
White with black edges
107cm to 123cm
290cm to 350cm
6.7kg to 11.4kg
Click on an image below to see the full-size version
Loud, trumpeting calls
Series of loud, shrill sounds
Sharp, distressing squawks
Foraging, preening, resting at sea
Solitary when feeding, social at breeding colonies
Defends nest site
Widespread across Southern Ocean
Occasionally feeds with other seabirds
Squid, Fish
Surface seizing and pursuit diving
Day and night
Surface seizing
Diet varies with seasonal prey availability
None known
Grassy slopes and ridges
Bowl-shaped nest made of grass, moss, and soil
October to November
Once every two years
Large, white
10cm x 7.5cm
Single egg laid
Around 80 days
Approximately 8 months
Both parents share incubation and chick rearing
Circumpolar distribution in Southern Ocean
Open ocean, islands for breeding
Sea level to 500m
Widespread across Southern Ocean
Marine, Coastal
Polar, Temperate
Please note, this range and distribution map is a high-level overview, and doesn't break down into specific regions and areas of the countries.