Anthochaera carunculata
Least Concern
The Red Wattlebird, a boisterous Australian native, is easily recognised by its vibrant red wattles dangling from the sides of its neck. With a mottled brown and grey plumage and a distinctive yellow belly patch, this bird is not only a visual treat but also an auditory spectacle with its varied and sometimes mimicking calls. Commonly found flitting through woodlands and urban gardens, the Red Wattlebird is as much a part of the Aussie landscape as the eucalyptus trees it frequents for nectar.
Males and females have similar plumage
Grey, White, Black
Long and pointed
Red wattles on cheeks, yellow belly patch
Long with white tips
33cm to 37cm
100g to 120g
Click on an image below to see the full-size version
Loud, harsh and varied
Includes grating noises and can mimic other bird species
Harsher, more urgent versions of regular calls
Active throughout the day, foraging and defending territory
Solitary or in small groups, can be aggressive especially near feeding sites
Territorial, often seen chasing away other birds
Limited local movements related to food availability
Aggressive interactions with other nectar feeders
Nectar, Insects, Berries
Feeds on nectar by probing flowers with its long beak, catches insects in flight
Throughout the day
Gleaning from foliage and catching in mid-air
Diet varies with availability of flowering plants and insect populations
Relies on flowering plants for nectar
In trees or shrubs, usually hidden among dense foliage
Bowl-shaped, constructed from twigs and grasses
July to December
One or two
Oval, cream-colored with brown spots
Approximately 2.5cm x 3.5cm
2-3 eggs per clutch
About 20 days
About 30 days
Both parents feed and care for chicks
Southern Australia, including Tasmania and coastal islands
Woodlands, forests, urban gardens and parks
Sea level to mid-elevation
Limited local movements related to food availability
Forest, Woodland, Urban
Please note, this range and distribution map is a high-level overview, and doesn't break down into specific regions and areas of the countries.