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The Barred Owl's deep "who-cooks-for-you" call echoes through US forests, making it a favorite among night-time listeners.

Visual Identification


The Barred Owl is a large, stocky owl with a rounded head and no ear tufts. Its plumage is a mottled brown and white, with distinctive horizontal barring on the chest and vertical streaks on the belly. The facial disc is pale with dark concentric rings around large, dark eyes, and it has a short, hooked yellow bill.

Both sexes are similar in appearance, though females are typically slightly larger. Juveniles resemble adults but may have a more fluffy appearance and less distinct barring.



43cm to 50cm


99cm to 110cm


470g to 1.05kg


Males and females have similar plumage

Primary Colour

Brown White

Secondary Colour


Beak Colour


Leg Colour


Habitat and Distribution



The Barred Owl can be found in Woodland habitats.


The Barred Owl is not typically found in Garden habitats.


The Barred Owl can be found in Wetland habitats.


The Barred Owl is not typically found in Coastal habitats.


The Barred Owl is not typically found in Urban habitats.


The Barred Owl is not typically found in Farmland habitats.


The Barred Owl is not typically found in Grassland habitats.


The Barred Owl is not typically found in Desert habitats.


The Barred Owl is not typically found in Tundra habitats.


The Barred Owl is not typically found in Rainforest habitats.


The Barred Owl is not typically found in Mountain habitats.


The Barred Owl is not typically found in Savanna habitats.


Barred Owls are primarily found in mature, mixed deciduous-coniferous forests across eastern North America, extending into the Pacific Northwest. They prefer areas with large trees and nearby water sources, including swamps and riparian zones.

In recent decades, Barred Owls have expanded their range westward, now found from southeast Alaska to northern California. They are year-round residents throughout their range, with some individuals showing limited seasonal movements in search of food.

Elevation Range

1,300 to 3,100 meters

Climate zones

Temperate, Subtropical

Distribution Map

This map gives you a rough idea of where you might spot a Barred Owl. The coloured areas show countries where these birds have been seen.

A few things to keep in mind:

  • Birds might not be everywhere in the coloured areas, for example, they may be present around the coast of that country
  • Where birds live can change with seasons and available food
  • This map is quite simple - it doesn't show exact locations

We're working on making our maps even better! Soon, we hope to show you:

  • More detailed maps for bigger countries, including state and region
  • How birds move around during different seasons