If you've ever watched a large black bird swoop overhead and wondered whether you're looking at a raven or crow, there's a world of difference once you know what to watch for.
Ravens are the proper heavyweights of the family - imagine a crow, then scale it up by about half again.
That size difference becomes crystal clear when you see them side by side, with ravens making nearby crows look almost delicate in comparison.


Watch them in flight, and the differences really stand out.
Ravens soar like they own the sky, riding thermals with their distinctive wedge-shaped tail spread wide, those fingered wingtips adjusting to every slight breeze.
Crows, meanwhile, stick to more businesslike flight - steady wingbeats, fan-shaped tail, and none of that showing-off behavior.
You might catch ravens doing aerial somersaults or even flying upside down, especially during breeding season when they're showing off for their mates.

Common Raven in flight

American Crow in flight
Their personalities show up most clearly at feeding time. Ravens strut about with the confidence of nightclub bouncers, while crows have a more cautious, head-bobbing approach.
Both are clever enough to crack tough nuts by dropping them onto roads, but ravens take it further - they've been spotted fishing with sticks, pulling up bait lines, and even working in pairs to distract dogs while their partner raids food scraps.
The seasons bring out different sides of these birds. Come winter, crows gather in massive groups - sometimes thousands strong - turning bare trees into something from a gothic painting at dusk.
Ravens keep it exclusive, sticking to their pairs or small family groups year-round. Their voices give them away too - crows have that familiar harsh 'caw', but ravens?
They've got a whole vocabulary of deep croaks, knocking sounds, and what can only be described as weird bell-like tones. Listen for that deep, rolling 'kronk' - once you've heard it, you'll never mistake it for a crow's call again.

Close up portrait of an American Crow
Look closely at their faces, and you'll spot another telltale difference - ravens sport shaggy throat feathers (called hackles) that puff up when they call, giving them a distinctly scruffy look compared to the smoother neck feathers of crows.
Their beaks tell a story, too - ravens wield massive, curved tools like Swiss Army knives, while crows make do with shorter, straighter versions.

Ravens have larger and more curved bills

Crows have straighter and smaller bills
Both birds are urban adaptors, but they've carved out different niches. Crows rule city parks and suburbs, setting up complex territories and family groups.
Ravens prefer wilder spaces, though they're not above raiding a campsite if they spot an opportunity.
Just watch them around garbage bins - while crows methodically pick through trash, ravens have figured out how to unlatch containers and even coordinate with their mates to create diversions.

A pair of Common Ravens
These birds remember faces and hold grudges - mess with one crow, and the whole family will scold you for months.
Ravens take it personally, too, but they're more likely to express their displeasure by quietly sabotaging your stuff when you're not looking.
They've been known to unzip backpacks, untie shoelaces, and even steal small shiny objects just to teach someone a lesson.

A pair of breeding Carrion Crows
Raven and Crow Fun Facts
- Crows and Ravens are the world’s smartest birds. They have similar intelligence to great apes like gorillas and chimps!
- Crows and Ravens are among the few birds that can fashion and use tools to get food they can’t reach with their bills.
- Crows have excellent memories. They can remember individual human faces for up to five years!
- Ravens are the largest songbirds in the world.
- Not all Crows are large. The Piping Crow of Indonesia is just half the weight of a large Feral Pigeon.
- Crows are excellent mimics, and some can even learn dozens of words if they are well-trained.