This charming songbird brightens backyards across North America with its cheerful melodies and rosy-red plumage.

Visual Identification


The House Finch is a small, sparrow-sized bird with a stout beak and a slightly notched tail. Males display vibrant red on their head, breast, and rump, contrasting with brown-streaked backs and wings.

Females and juveniles lack red coloration and instead show overall brown plumage with streaked underparts. Both sexes have pale wing bars and a slightly curved culmen on their beaks.



12.5cm to 15cm


20cm to 25cm


16g to 27g


Primary Colour

Red Brown

Secondary Colour

White Grey

Beak Colour


Leg Colour


Habitat and Distribution















Originally native to western North America, House Finches have successfully expanded across the continent and can now be found in most of the United States and southern Canada. They thrive in urban and suburban environments, including parks, gardens, and farmlands.

In the eastern U.S., they were introduced in the 1940s and have since become widespread. These adaptable birds are year-round residents in most of their range, with some northern populations showing short-distance migration.

Elevation Range

Sea level to 3,000 meters

Climate zones

Temperate, Subtropical

Distribution Map

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Distribution by Region

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Behaviour and Ecology

Bird Attributes

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Agility 75
Strength 30
Adaptability 90
Aggressiveness 25
Endurance 60


House Finches are primarily vegetarian, feeding on various seeds, buds, and fruits. They have a particular fondness for sunflower seeds and readily visit bird feeders.

In spring and summer, they supplement their diet with some insects, especially when feeding young.


House Finches are highly social, often seen in flocks at feeders or perched on wires. They exhibit a bouncy flight pattern and are known for their habit of 'billing,' where pairs touch or clasp beaks as a sign of affection. These birds are also frequent bathers, enjoying shallow water sources in gardens and parks.


The House Finch's song is a cheerful, warbling melody that rises and falls in pitch. Males sing throughout the year, with increased frequency during the breeding season. Their call is a sharp 'cheep' or 'wheat,' often given in flight or when alarmed. Flocks communicate with soft, chattering notes.

Nesting & Breeding

House Finches form monogamous pairs and begin breeding in spring. Males court females with songs and displays, often offering food as part of the courtship ritual.

Nests are cup-shaped structures made of twigs, grasses, and leaves, typically placed in trees, shrubs, or on man-made structures. Females lay 3-6 pale blue eggs with small black spots.

Incubation lasts about 13-14 days, and it is performed solely by the female. Both parents feed the nestlings, which fledge after 12-15 days. Pairs often produce multiple broods in a season.


Typical Lifespan Range 10 - 12 years


The House Finch typically lives for 10 to 12 years.

Like all birds, lifespan can be affected by factors including predation, habitat quality, disease, and access to food sources.

Conservation and Status

Global Conservation Status

Least Concern [1]

While the House Finch is not currently of conservation concern, it has faced challenges such as the outbreak of mycoplasmal conjunctivitis in the 1990s. Ongoing monitoring is crucial to detect any population changes. Providing clean feeders and native plants in gardens can support local populations.

Population Data

Global Population Estimate

40,000,000 mature individuals [2]

Global Population Trend


Birdwatching Tips

  • Look for House Finches at backyard feeders, especially those offering sunflower seeds.
  • Listen for their cheerful, warbling song, often delivered from exposed perches.
  • Observe urban areas, as these birds thrive in human-modified environments.
  • Check fruiting trees and shrubs, where they often feed in small groups.

Additional Information

Quick Facts

Other names:

Hollywood Finch, Linnet




House Finches face predation from domestic cats, hawks, owls, and occasionally snakes, especially for eggs and nestlings.

Did You Know?

  1. House Finches can see and distinguish ultraviolet light, which may play a role in mate selection.
  2. The red coloration in males comes from pigments in their diet, primarily from berries and fruits.
  3. These birds were originally sold as pets under the name 'Hollywood Finches' before being released in New York in the 1940s.

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  1. 1

    website: BirdLife International. 2018. Haemorhous mexicanus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T22720563A132001810.

    View source
  2. 3

    report, 2017: Breeding Bird Survey and/or Christmas Bird Count

  3. 2

    website: Partners in Flight

    View source