Turdus migratorius
American Robin
The American Robin is a medium-sized thrush with a round body, long legs, and a fairly long tail. Adults display a warm orange underside and breast, contrasting with a dark brown to gray back and head. Their throats are white with black streaks and have distinctive white eye crescents.
Males typically have brighter, more vivid coloration than females, especially on the head and breast. Juveniles are spotted on the breast, resembling other thrushes, before molting into adult plumage.
23cm to 28cm
31cm to 40cm
77g to 85g
Males and females have similar plumage
Primary Colour
Brown Orange
Secondary Colour
Black White
Beak Colour
Leg Colour
American Robins are found across North America, from Alaska and Canada to central Mexico. They inhabit various environments, including woodlands, forests, tundra edges, and human-modified landscapes like parks, gardens, and agricultural areas.
While some populations in northern regions migrate south for winter, others are year-round residents, especially in the United States. Urban areas often see an increase in robin populations during colder months as birds seek food and shelter.
1,200 to 3,500 meters
Temperate, Subtropical
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American Robins are omnivorous, with a diet that shifts seasonally. In spring and summer, they primarily consume earthworms and insects.
They switch to a fruit-heavy diet as autumn approaches, feasting on berries and other small fruits. This adaptability contributes to their widespread success.
American Robins are often seen hopping across lawns, cocking their heads as they search for earthworms.
They are social birds, frequently forming large flocks in winter. During breeding, males become territorial and engage in spirited singing contests, particularly at dawn and dusk.
The American Robin's song is a series of clear whistles described as 'cheerily, cheer up, cheer up, cheerily, cheer up.'
They also produce a variety of calls, including a sharp 'peek' alarm call and a soft 'tuk-tuk-tuk' used in low-threat situations or during foraging.
American Robins typically breed between April and July. Males attract females with song and courtship displays, often including a 'courtship dance' on the ground.
Females construct cup-shaped nests using grass, twigs, and mud, often in tree forks or on human-made structures. They lay 3-5 distinctive blue eggs, known as 'robin's egg blue,' per clutch.
Incubation lasts about 14 days, with both parents sharing nestling care. Young robins fledge after about 14-16 days but remain dependent on parents for up to a month after leaving the nest.
The American Robin typically lives for 2 to 6 years, with a maximum recorded lifespan of 17 years.
Like all birds, lifespan can be affected by factors including predation, habitat quality, disease, and access to food sources.
While American Robins are currently listed as Least Concern due to their large range and population, they face threats from habitat loss, pesticide use, and climate change.
Conservation efforts focus on maintaining diverse urban and suburban green spaces and promoting pesticide-free gardening practices.
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website: BirdLife International. 2021. Turdus migratorius. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T103889499A139392811.
View sourcewebsite, 2022: Partners in Flight
View sourcewebsite, 2003: Holmes and Ottinger, Birds as long-lived animal models for the study of aging, Exp Gerontol, 38:1365-1375
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