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Bald Eagle Nesting (All You Need To Know)

Last updated: February 20, 2023
Bald Eagle Nesting (All You Need To Know)
Bald Eagle

Featured Bird

Bald Eagle

Haliaeetus leucocephalus

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The proud Bald eagle is one of the world's most well-known and handsome birds. Bald eagles are found in every US state except Hawaii and much of Canada and northern Mexico. These adaptable birds have been studied closely for centuries, and their nests are of particular interest given their colossal size and weight.

So why are Bald eagle nests so large, and what are some other interesting facts about Bald eagle nests?

Bald eagle nests are constructed with care and attention over the course of 1 to 3 months. Nest building is very much a cooperative process, though the female often takes the lead in building the nest while the male supplies material.

The stand-out feature of a Bald eagle nest is size - the average nest measures around 1.2 to 1.5m in diameter (4 to 5ft) 60 to 120cm deep (2 to 4ft). Bald eagles add around 1 to 3ft of new material to the nest every year. The largest Bald eagle nest, found in St. Petersburg, Florida, was 2.89m in diameter (9.5ft), 6m (20ft) deep, and weighed almost 3 tons!

Despite their majesty, Bald eagles are pretty lazy and spend a lot of time in their nest. Benjamin Franklin said himself that the Bald eagle was a lazy bird that didn't deserve to be the USA's national emblem. Of course, with nests that large, you can't really blame the Bald eagle for being somewhat of a homebody!

Read on to learn more about this majestic raptor's nesting habits and behaviours!

Key Bald Eagle Nesting Facts
Nesting season (Southern)Late fall to early spring
Nesting season (Northern and Canada)Begins in early spring
Nesting materialSticks, fillers include grass and moss, with a lining of down
Nest typeLarge interwoven deep, walled cup
Nest size (average)1.2 - 1.5m diameter (4 to 5ft) 60 - 120cm deep (2 to 4ft)
Nest weight (average)1 tonne
Nest locationTall mature trees, sometimes on the ground
Number of broodsOne
Clutch size2 eggs, with range of 1 - 3
Egg colorDull white, generally no markings
Egg size7.0 – 7.6 cm x 5.3 – 5.6 cm
Egg weight120 g
Incubation period35 days, by predominately the female, but males will help
Fledgling period8 - 14 weeks after hatching
Reuse nestsYes
The nest of a Bald eagle with one chick inside

The nest of a Bald eagle with one chick inside

Where do Bald eagles nest?

Bald eagles nest right across the USA, Canada and northern Mexico. They usually choose tall, mature trees that are solid and stable with strong, broad forks on which to build their nest.

Despite preferring tall trees, Bald eagles build ground nests where trees are not available, especially in Alaska, Canada, islands off the coast of California and Arizona. Ground nests are usually built on cliffsides or next to rivers.

Bald eagles are thought to evaluate the food supply of the local area prior to choosing their territory. Since Bald eagles are adept at fishing, they prefer to stay close to rivers, lakes or waterways. Coastal populations will happily fish from the area too.

A large bald eagle nest

A large bald eagle nest

What kind of trees do Bald eagles nest in?

Bald eagles generally tend to nest in conifers, firs, oaks, hickories, cottonwoods and aspens.

One study found that chosen nest trees typically measured around 20 to 60 m in height and 50 to 190 cm in diameter. While living trees with strong canopies are preferred, Bald eagles do also nest in dead trees, particularly in more arid or treeless regions.

What do Bald eagle nests look like?

Bald eagle nests are large, broad and deep. The shape is often described as a wine glass without the stem - it extends upwards with a deep, walled cup. Nests built on the ground are flatter but are still built up from the floor to create an enclosed space.

The primary structure of the nest is created from dense, large sticks; some can measure around 1m in length. Smaller sticks, twigs and foliage are laid inside the main structure, which is lined with mosses. Bald eagles are creative with what materials they use to build the nest - some coastal nests even feature driftwood or kelp.

A pair of breeding Bald eagles in their nest

A pair of breeding Bald eagles in their nest

How big are Bald eagle nests?

A typical Bald eagle nest measures around 1.2 to 1.5m in diameter (4 to 5ft) 60 to 120cm deep (2 to 4ft).

A Bald eagle nest currently holds the Guinness World Record for the biggest nest ever recorded. Found in St. Petersburg, Florida, the nest measured 2.89m in diameter (9.5 feet) and 6m (20 feet) deep! It was examined in 1963 and was estimated to weigh almost 3 tons.

How high do Bald eagles nest?

Bald eagles prefer to nest in tall, strong, mature trees. One study found that chosen trees measure around 20 to 60 m in height (65 to 200ft) and 50 to 190 cm in diameter (1.6 to 6ft).

The nest itself is typically built at the height of around 15 to 25m. Some nests are built as low as 5m above the ground.

In treeless or coastal regions, Bald eagles do choose to nest on the ground. This is common in Alaska, Canada, California, Minnesota, Florida and Arizona. When nesting on the ground, Bald eagles often choose a cliffside spot.

Bald eagles nesting above the ocean in Canada, British Columbia

Bald eagles nesting above the ocean in Canada, British Columbia

What time of year do Bald eagles nest?

Bald eagle nesting occurs at different times, depending on the latitude. In the southern areas of their range, e.g. the states of Florida, Texas, Arizona, and northern Mexico, Bald eagles start building nests as early as late summer or as late as mid-spring. In the north USA and Canada, nest building typically starts in early spring.

The warmer it is in the region, the more flexible Bald eagles are with their breeding season. The breeding season in the south is much longer compared to the north. Virtually all Bald eagle nests are finished by late winter in around February.

How long do Bald eagles nest for?

Bald eagles are either sedentary or migratory. Some Bald eagles migrate in winter or at other times of year to pursue food. But for much of the year, Bald eagles spend their time in and around their nests.

Bald Eagle with eaglet in the nest

Bald Eagle with eaglet in the nest

How do Bald eagles build their nests?

The main structure is interweaved from larger sticks. Then, the pair will begin to fine-tune the nest for warmth and comfort by weaving smaller twigs and greenery into the primary structure.

Both the male and female cooperate to build the nest. The female is often responsible for building the initial structure while the male forages sticks from nearby.

In some areas, the eagles go out of their way to line the nest with soft mosses. In addition, feathers and down shed by the eagles are used to insulate the interior of the nest.

Sticks can be carried from as far as 1km from the nest. One pair of Bald eagles carried sticks from as far as 1.6km away!

A bald eagle deliveries nesting material to the nest with its mate looking on

A bald eagle deliveries nesting material to the nest with its mate looking on

How long do Bald eagle nests take to build?

The average bald eagle nest takes between 1 and 3 months to build. Tree nests take longer to build than ground nests.

Do Bald eagles reuse their nest?

Bald eagles typically show high breeding ground fidelity, which essentially means that they prefer to return to the same place to breed and nest every year. Once a successful nest is established, pairs of Bald eagles will replenish and maintain it intently all year round.

Each year, nests may increase in size by some 1 to 3ft, which explains why Bald eagle nests tend to grow and grow.

One nest in Ohio was reportedly used for 34-years before the tree blew down, which presumably suggests that a new pair ‘moved in’ once the former owners died (as Bald eagles do not tend to live for more than 30 years).

Some pairs of Bald eagles have been observed building an alternate nest, though this is relatively rare and amounts to around 1/10 pairs in the very few regions where this is observed, such as Saskatchewan in Canada.

A bald eagle adds a branch as its final touch to completing the nest, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

A bald eagle adds a branch as its final touch to completing the nest, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

What do Bald eagle eggs look like?

The average bald eagle egg measures around 7.0 to 7.6 cm in length and 5.3 to 5.6 cm in breadth and weigh between 100 and 130g. They are dull white and rarely have brown spots.

Bald eagle eggs are large and sub-elliptical, which means they’re more rounded than a typical bird egg. The widest point is of similar width to a tennis ball.

What month do Bald eagles lay eggs?

The month that bald eagles lay eggs varies depending on their location. For example, in Alaska and Yukon Territory, eggs are generally laid from late April until May. In parts of Mexico, eggs are usually laid between December and early January. Generally speaking, the higher the elevation, the later the egg laying takes place.

Egg laying by place and time of year:

  • Saskatchewan: mid April
  • Yellowstone ecosystem: March through to mid april
  • Arizona: January to mid February
  • Florida: October through to April

The Bald eagle breeding season is much extended in the south where it’s warmer throughout the year.

Three juvenile bald eagles in the nest, waiting to be fed

Three juvenile bald eagles in the nest, waiting to be fed

How many broods do Bald eagles have?

Generally speaking, Bald eagles will only produce one clutch per season. However, if the eggs are destroyed or taken by predators, then sometimes another clutch will be produced.

How long do Bald eagle chicks stay in the nest?

Bald eagle chicks typically fledge after around 10 to 14 weeks but can stay in and around the nest for the following 2 to 3 months.

Parental feeding continues during this time, and the juvenile eagle will not leave to establish its own territories until up to 6 to 8 months or so after hatching. Like most eagles, Bald eagles have a long lifecycle and chicks are not hasty to leave their parents.

A pair of bald eagle chicks in the nest

A pair of bald eagle chicks in the nest

Bald Eagle Nest FAQs

How much do Bald eagle nests weigh?

The average Bald eagle nest weighs around 1 ton. However, the heaviest nests weigh over 2 tons, and the heaviest recorded is thought to have weighed almost 3 tons! It holds the Guinness World Record for the biggest bird’s nest.

Do Bald eagles nest on the ground?

Where trees are lacking, Bald eagles can nest on the ground. This is more common in arid environments where trees are limited, e.g. parts of Alaska, Canada and Arizona. When they live in coastal regions, Bald eagles often nest on cliffsides.

Do Bald eagles nest in pine trees?

Bald eagles nest in a variety of coniferous and deciduous trees, including conifers and pines. The main criteria are that the tree must be relatively tall and strong with a wide fork.

Where do Bald eagles nest in Florida?

In Florida, Bald eagle nests are found in shorter, younger trees than in most other regions. While Bald eagles tend to opt for large, mature trees that are more than 0.5 to 1m in diameter, studies revealed that Florida nests are built in younger trees that measure just 30cm in diameter.