Son Real

Site location

Son Real

This reserve is situated on the road out of Can Picafort to Arta on the left hand side and consists of some very mixed landscapes which include heathland of both Heather and Rosemary, arable farmland as well as a section of undisturbed coast. Not only is there a visitors centre and car park but also a preserved traditional Mallorcan farmhouse which has some exhibitions in and should not be missed when visiting.

This site is well known for its Warblers and on the coastal section just a few metres in you have low scrub with Sardinian Warbler and Dartford Warbler breeding next to the Balearic Warbler which is present in good numbers and a good location is close to the viewing tower. There is a good list of resident species with Stone Curlew, Hoopoe, Thekla Lark, Stonechat, Firecrest and Crossbill which can all be seen within the woods and arable farmland.

In the spring the Balearic race of Woodchat Shrike and Spotted flycatcher arrive and also Audouins Gull can be seen by the coast as well as a few breeding Kentish Plovers. In the winter as well as the resident species such as Crossbill and Firecrest many Song Thrushes arrive and as well as finch flocks Hawfinches have been seen.

Grade of difficulty: 1
Toilet facilities are available

The visitors centre is open from 9am until 4pm
Telephone: +34 971 892250

Map of Son Real