Salobrar de Campos

Site location

Salobrar de Campos

Salobrar de Campos located between the towns of Campos and Colonia Sant Jordi is a wetland area second only in size to the Albufera and in the south-east of the island is a fantastic site for waders. It consists of just under 300 hectares made up of areas of brackish water with numerous pools of salinated water with the close by salt extraction leading to an abundance in food mainly aquatic invertebrates. The adjacent land consists of tamarisk and reed with plants such as sea lavender and saltwort. It is well known site for Greater Flamingoes which can be very common during the summer but it also holds a large colony of Black-Winged Stilts during the breeding season as well as good numbers of Avocet during the breeding season, large numbers of Kentish Plover and Water Rails. In the spring everything changes at this site which is a magnet for migrating birds flying north as well as species flying in to set up breeding territories as the wintering ducks depart they are replaced by Little Ringed Plovers, Greenshank and rarer visitors such as the Collared Pranticole as well as both Wood and Green Sandpipers. There are spectacular numbers of Yellow Wagtails on migration of the many varied races as well as the local breeding population. The migration period in the Autumn is actually more spectacular than the spring as the adult birds are joined by their young on their journey south and birds such as Water Pipit, more wagtails, Common Crane and even the scarce roller in recent years. With all the overwintering plovers such as Lapwings and Golden Plovers joining the overwintering ducks this, in turn, attracts Peregrine Falcons and very rarely the Merlin. The other birds of prey to be seen is the Osprey most days and less frequently the Marsh Harrier.

There is parking available on the road between Colonia de Sant Jordi and Campos on the right and here the main walk takes you through the north of the area. There is another walk further south that takes you through the Salines.

Tourist information office

Colonia Sant Jordi is tel +34 971 656073

Email at

Map of Salobrar de Campos