Sa Dragonera Natural Park

Site location

Sa Dragonera Natural Park

Dragonera is an island situated off the south-west of Mallorca only accessible by a 20-minute boat or ferry journey from the coastal town of Sant Elm. During the peak, season ferries run regularly, although the best time to visit is between September and December. Visiting during the spring migration, however, can also prove to be very productive with a wide variety of birds of prey.

During the autumn there are spectacular views of many migrants reaching the islands on their way to Africa or to winter on the island itself. Their arrival is eagerly awaited by hundreds of Eleanora’s Falcons and their young who catch the exhausted migrants by diving at them over the sea from the cliffs. This is a truly spectacular sight and there is a special viewpoint high above the cliffs where you can look down on the falcons flying in to feed their young. Also present at this time of year in addition to Balearic and Sardinian Warblers are Kestrels, thrushes and Black Redstarts.

From the middle of April to the middle of May a ringing station operates near to the visitors centre. The park is a breeding ground for Peregrine Falcons, Firecrests, Blue Rock Thrushes and Pallid Swifts. There is also an abundance of passage migrants in the area.

Grade of difficulty: 2

Toilet facilities are available

Boat trip timetable: Sant Elm to Dragonera

Every day – April 1 – September 30

Going out:
09:45, 10:15, 10:45, 11:15, 11:45, 11:45, 12:15, 12:45, 13:15, 14:40, 15:15, 15:45

Returning at:
11:30, 12:30, 13;30, 15;00, 15;50, 16;50

Every day – October 1 – November 5

Going out:
10:15, 10:45, 11:15, 11:45, 12:15, 12:45, 13:15

Returning at:
11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 15:00

Dragonera useful information – Click here

Map of Sa Dragonera Natural Park