Boquer Valley

Site location

Boquer Valley

The Boquer Valley is situated on the edge of Puerto Pollensa only a few minutes walk from the famous Pine Walk Avenue often very good for migrants.

There is a car park at the entrance just off the roundabout on the road to Formentor. To the left of the footpath leading from the car park, there are olive groves and an almond orchard frequently visited by Redstarts, Flycatchers and Warblers, especially during migration. Continuing along the path through the pines on the left you will often see Cirl Buntings and Wrynecks and early in the morning Stone Curlews in the field often with Woodchat shrikes in the spring.

Passing through the closed gates and following the mountain paths takes you towards the sea. Along this route, you should sight Booted Eagles both light and dark phase as several pairs breed here. On the right, you will see some large cliffs these are known as the Caval Bernat which is very popular with mountaineers. Here there are resident breeding Peregrine falcons who during the breeding season you will often hear as they leave the cliff face to chase off intruding Eleonora’s falcons. There will often be on the left-hand side views of both Black and Griffon vultures and this year a pair of Egyptian Vultures as well as numerous Ravens. On the rock faces and boulders, you will often see Blue Rock Thrushes and in the air Crag martins. As you approach the stretch to the bottom where the sea is visible in the short rough ground a few pairs of Balearic warblers this being one of the best sites for them.

Summer often yields surprises including Golden Orioles, Ospreys and Eleonora’s Falcons as well as Roller.

Grade of difficulty: 2

Toilet facilities are not available

Map of Boquer Valley