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1631 results for ""




American Herring Gull

American Herring Gull

This large, adaptable gull rules the coastlines and waterways of North America, equally at home stealing french fries on busy beaches or diving for fish in quiet harbors.

Spotted Owlet

Spotted Owlet

A tiny night hunter with bright yellow eyes and distinctive white spots, this little owl makes its home everywhere from busy city parks to quiet farmlands across Asia.

Willow Flycatcher

Willow Flycatcher

This small but determined songbird darts through riverside willows across North America, snatching flying insects with remarkable precision.

Ring-billed Gull

Ring-billed Gull

A familiar face at coastal parking lots and inland lakes across North America, this adaptable gull has mastered both city life and wilderness, snatching french fries or diving for fish with equal enthusiasm.

Blakiston's Fish-Owl

Blakiston's Fish-Owl

A colossal nocturnal hunter with a wingspan nearly six feet across, this remarkable fish-owl plunges into icy rivers to catch salmon with its massive, featherless talons.



This striking black-and-white grassland songbird transforms from winter's plain brown to summer's bold tuxedo-like plumage across the prairies and meadows of North America.

Black Eagle

Black Eagle

This powerful raptor soars majestically through mountain forests from India to Indonesia, using its unusually long talons to snatch prey from treetop nests.

Blue Jay

Blue Jay

A striking backyard favorite across North America, this brilliant blue troublemaker steals the spotlight at feeders while boldly announcing its presence to the whole neighborhood.


Blackpoll Warbler

Blackpoll Warbler

A long-distance champion of the skies, this tiny songbird flies an incredible 1,800-mile non-stop journey over the Atlantic Ocean during its fall migration.

Prothonotary Warbler

Prothonotary Warbler

This radiant yellow songbird found in flooded forests and swamps across the southeastern United States, where it nests in tree cavities just above the water's surface.



A small but mighty ground-dweller that fills North American forests with its unmistakable "teacher-teacher-teacher" song, bobbing its head as it searches for insects among fallen leaves.

Carolina Parakeet

Carolina Parakeet

Once abundant throughout America's eastern forests, this vibrant green and yellow parakeet was the only parrot species native to the eastern United States before its tragic extinction in the early 1900s.

Trumpeter Swan

Trumpeter Swan

North America's largest native waterfowl glides across pristine lakes and wetlands, its pure white feathers and 8-foot wingspan creating an unforgettable sight.



This reddish-brown colored thrush fills North American woodland mornings with one of the most hauntingly beautiful spiral songs in the natural world.

Greater Roadrunner

Greater Roadrunner

This swift-footed desert dweller can sprint at speeds up to 40 km/h (25 mph) through the American Southwest, snatching up lizards and snakes with pinpoint precision.

Baltimore Oriole

Baltimore Oriole

The striking orange-and-black songbird found across eastern forests and backyard feeders, with distinctive whistling tunes and acrobatic feeding habits.

Broad-winged Hawk

Broad-winged Hawk

This compact hawk soars in spectacular kettles of thousands during its dramatic fall migration through eastern North America, creating one of nature's most impressive aerial displays.

Scarlet Tanager

Scarlet Tanager

A brilliant flash of crimson transforms any forest walk in eastern North America when this striking songbird swoops between the treetops.

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

A striking songbird found across North American forests with its bold black-and-white plumage and signature rosy-red chest patch, making it a favorite visitor at backyard feeders across the continent.

Hermit Thrush

Hermit Thrush

A master of melancholy melodies, this brown-backed songbird fills North American forests with its haunting, flute-like evening songs that echo through the trees.




American Herring Gull

American Herring Gull

This large, adaptable gull rules the coastlines and waterways of North America, equally at home stealing french fries on busy beaches or diving for fish in quiet harbors.

Spotted Owlet

Spotted Owlet

A tiny night hunter with bright yellow eyes and distinctive white spots, this little owl makes its home everywhere from busy city parks to quiet farmlands across Asia.

Willow Flycatcher

Willow Flycatcher

This small but determined songbird darts through riverside willows across North America, snatching flying insects with remarkable precision.

Ring-billed Gull

Ring-billed Gull

A familiar face at coastal parking lots and inland lakes across North America, this adaptable gull has mastered both city life and wilderness, snatching french fries or diving for fish with equal enthusiasm.

Blakiston's Fish-Owl

Blakiston's Fish-Owl

A colossal nocturnal hunter with a wingspan nearly six feet across, this remarkable fish-owl plunges into icy rivers to catch salmon with its massive, featherless talons.



This striking black-and-white grassland songbird transforms from winter's plain brown to summer's bold tuxedo-like plumage across the prairies and meadows of North America.

Black Eagle

Black Eagle

This powerful raptor soars majestically through mountain forests from India to Indonesia, using its unusually long talons to snatch prey from treetop nests.

Blue Jay

Blue Jay

A striking backyard favorite across North America, this brilliant blue troublemaker steals the spotlight at feeders while boldly announcing its presence to the whole neighborhood.


Blackpoll Warbler

Blackpoll Warbler

A long-distance champion of the skies, this tiny songbird flies an incredible 1,800-mile non-stop journey over the Atlantic Ocean during its fall migration.

Prothonotary Warbler

Prothonotary Warbler

This radiant yellow songbird found in flooded forests and swamps across the southeastern United States, where it nests in tree cavities just above the water's surface.



A small but mighty ground-dweller that fills North American forests with its unmistakable "teacher-teacher-teacher" song, bobbing its head as it searches for insects among fallen leaves.

Carolina Parakeet

Carolina Parakeet

Once abundant throughout America's eastern forests, this vibrant green and yellow parakeet was the only parrot species native to the eastern United States before its tragic extinction in the early 1900s.

Trumpeter Swan

Trumpeter Swan

North America's largest native waterfowl glides across pristine lakes and wetlands, its pure white feathers and 8-foot wingspan creating an unforgettable sight.



This reddish-brown colored thrush fills North American woodland mornings with one of the most hauntingly beautiful spiral songs in the natural world.

Greater Roadrunner

Greater Roadrunner

This swift-footed desert dweller can sprint at speeds up to 40 km/h (25 mph) through the American Southwest, snatching up lizards and snakes with pinpoint precision.

Baltimore Oriole

Baltimore Oriole

The striking orange-and-black songbird found across eastern forests and backyard feeders, with distinctive whistling tunes and acrobatic feeding habits.

Broad-winged Hawk

Broad-winged Hawk

This compact hawk soars in spectacular kettles of thousands during its dramatic fall migration through eastern North America, creating one of nature's most impressive aerial displays.

Scarlet Tanager

Scarlet Tanager

A brilliant flash of crimson transforms any forest walk in eastern North America when this striking songbird swoops between the treetops.

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

A striking songbird found across North American forests with its bold black-and-white plumage and signature rosy-red chest patch, making it a favorite visitor at backyard feeders across the continent.

Hermit Thrush

Hermit Thrush

A master of melancholy melodies, this brown-backed songbird fills North American forests with its haunting, flute-like evening songs that echo through the trees.

Showing 1585-1608 of 1631 results