Regent Honeyeater

Regent Honeyeater

Anthochaera phrygia

Critically Endangered

The Regent Honeyeater, with its striking black and yellow plumage, is a rare gem of Australia's woodland habitats. Once gracing the skies in vibrant flocks, this elusive nectar-feeder now flutters on the brink of extinction, a poignant symbol of the country's natural heritage. Its melodic calls, once a common chorus in the eucalyptus forests, now echo as a reminder of the fragility of our ecosystem and the urgent need for conservation efforts to protect this critically endangered species.

Appearance and Identification

Males and females have similar plumage

Primary Color


Secondary Colors

Yellow, White

Secondary Colors (female)

Secondary Colors (juvenile)

Secondary Colors (seasonal)

Wing Color

Black with yellow patches

Beak Type


Beak Color


Leg Color


Distinctive Markings

Yellow patches on wings and tail, black head and back with white speckles

Tail Description

Black with yellow panels

Size Metrics

20cm to 24cm


30cm to 35cm


32g to 50g



Click on an image below to see the full-size version

Vocalization and Sounds

Primary Calls

Complex and melodic

Call Description

Variety of calls including whistles, buzzes, and chatters

Alarm Calls

Harsher and more urgent calls

Behavior and Social Structure

Daily Activities

Active during the day, foraging in the canopy

Social Habits

Can be seen alone or in small groups; occasionally joins mixed-species flocks

Territorial Behavior

Defends feeding territories

Migratory Patterns

Nomadic movements in response to flowering events

Interaction with Other Species

Sometimes competitive at rich feeding sites


Primary Diet

Nectar, Insects

Feeding Habits

Feeds on nectar from flowers and catches insects in the air or on foliage

Feeding Times

Mostly in the morning and late afternoon

Prey Capture Method

Hawking for insects, probing flowers for nectar

Diet Variations

Depends on flower blooming periods and insect availability

Special Dietary Needs (if any)

Relies on certain species of eucalyptus for nectar


Nesting Location

Often in eucalyptus trees

Nest Construction

Cup-shaped nest made of bark strips, grass, and spider webs

Breeding Season

From August to January, peaking in spring

Egg Appearance

Pale pink with reddish-brown spots

Egg Size

Approximately 2cm x 3cm

Clutch Characteristics

Usually 2 eggs

Incubation Period

About 14 days

Fledgling Period

Around 16 days

Parental Care

Both parents feed the chicks

Distribution and Habitat

Geographic Range

Eastern Australia

Habitat Description

Woodlands and open forests, particularly box-ironbark forests

Elevation Range

Up to 1000 meters

Migration Patterns

Nomadic movements in response to flowering events



Climate zones


Distribution Map

Please note, this range and distribution map is a high-level overview, and doesn't break down into specific regions and areas of the countries.

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