Plumbeous Water-redstart

Least Concern

Phoenicurus fuliginosus

A dashing riverside acrobat with smoke-grey plumage, frequently spotted performing aerial stunts to catch insects above Asia's fast-flowing mountain streams.

Visual Identification


The Plumbeous Water-redstart is a small, compact bird with a distinctive blue-grey plumage in males. Males have rusty-red undertail coverts and tail. The tail is often held cocked.

Females are predominantly grey with white-spotted wingbars and white rump markings. Their tail is black with white bases on the outer feathers. Juveniles resemble females but are browner with buff-stippled upperparts.



12cm to 15cm


23cm to 26cm


13g to 23g


Primary Colour

Grey Blue

Secondary Colour

Black Orange

Beak Colour


Leg Colour


Habitat and Distribution















Plumbeous Water-redstarts inhabit fast-flowing mountain streams, rivers and cascades across the Himalayas and parts of Southeast Asia. They are found in countries such as India, Nepal, Bhutan, and China, typically in forested or rocky areas with clear, rushing water.

During winter, some populations move to lower elevations, but the species is generally non-migratory.

Elevation Range

300 to 4,000 meters

Climate zones

Temperate, Subtropical

Distribution Map

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Behaviour and Ecology

Bird Attributes

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Agility 85
Strength 42
Adaptability 88
Aggressiveness 75
Endurance 82


The Plumbeous Water-redstart primarily feeds on aquatic and terrestrial insects.

They catch prey by making short, agile flights from perches over water or by gleaning insects from rocks and vegetation along stream banks. Their diet may also include small fish and tadpoles when available.


Plumbeous Water-redstarts are highly active birds, often seen bobbing their tails and flicking their wings near fast-flowing streams. They frequently perch on rocks or low branches overhanging water, from where they make short flights to catch insects.

These birds are typically solitary or found in pairs, fiercely defending their territories along waterways.


The Plumbeous Water-redstart has a distinctive, sharp call often described as a metallic 'tink-tink' or 'zink-zink'. Their song is a series of high-pitched, tinkling notes, sometimes interspersed with warbling phrases.

These vocalisations are frequently heard over the sound of rushing water in their habitat.

Nesting & Breeding

Breeding season for Plumbeous Water-redstarts typically occurs from April to July. Males establish territories along streams and perform displays to attract females, including wing-spreading and tail-fanning.

Nests are cup-shaped structures made of moss, grass, and rootlets. They are often placed in rock crevices or banks near water. Females lay 3-4 pale blue eggs with reddish-brown spots.

Incubation lasts about 14-16 days and is primarily carried out by the female. Both parents feed the nestlings, which fledge after approximately 14-16 days but remain dependent on the adults for several weeks.

Conservation and Status

Global Conservation Status

Least Concern [1]

While the Plumbeous Water-redstart is currently listed as Least Concern, it faces localised threats from habitat degradation and water pollution.

Conservation efforts focus on protecting mountain stream ecosystems and maintaining water quality in their preferred habitats.

Population Data

Global Population Estimate

Not quantified, but common in northern Pakistan and India and scarce to locally common in south-east Asia [2]

Global Population Trend


Birdwatching Tips

  • Look for them along fast-flowing mountain streams and rivers
  • Listen for their sharp, metallic 'tink-tink' call
  • Watch for their characteristic tail-bobbing behaviour
  • Scan rocks and low branches near water for perched individuals
  • Visit higher elevations during summer for better chances of sighting

Additional Information

Quick Facts

Other names:

Plumbeous Redstart




Main predators include birds of prey such as sparrowhawks and falcons, as well as snakes and small mammals that can access their nests.

Did You Know?

  1. Plumbeous Water-redstarts can swim short distances underwater to escape danger.
  2. Their feet are adapted for gripping slippery rocks in fast-flowing streams.
  3. Despite their name, they are more closely related to Old World flycatchers than to true redstarts.

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  1. 1 3

    website: BirdLife International. 2024. Phoenicurus fuliginosus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2024: e.T22710092A263880796.

    View source
  2. 2

    report, 2005: del Hoyo et al.