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Species 12
Size range 30 - 130 cm
Threatened Species 2

Family Distribution

This map shows the combined distribution of all species in the Spheniscidae family.

Colour intensity indicates the number of species present in each region:

  • Darker colours = More species
  • Lighter colours = Fewer species
Species that can be found in the area throughout the year
Species present during breeding season
Species present outside breeding season
Rare appearances outside normal range

Notable Species

Emperor Penguin
Emperor Penguin
King Penguin
Largest Wingspan
Little Penguin
Longest Living
Little Penguin
42.2 years

Attribute Champions

Most Agile

Whilst somewhat awkward on land, Adélie Penguins are remarkably agile swimmers, capable of reaching speeds up to 8 km/h underwater and executing precise manoeuvres to catch prey. Their ability to 'fly' underwater and navigate through ice demonstrates exceptional aquatic agility.


These penguins possess tremendous strength, evidenced by their ability to launch themselves out of water onto ice, dive to extreme depths against intense pressure, and carry substantial body mass (up to 45kg). Their powerful swimming muscles enable sustained deep-diving capabilities.

Most Adaptable

Emperor Penguins demonstrate extraordinary adaptability, surviving in one of Earth's harshest environments. Their sophisticated huddling behaviour, unique breeding strategies, and physiological adaptations to extreme cold and deep-diving showcase remarkable adaptive capabilities.

Most Aggressive

Shows notable territorial behaviour, particularly during breeding season. Actively defends nesting sites with vocal displays and physical presence. Demonstrates assertiveness in colonial settings whilst maintaining social bonds.

Highest Endurance

Emperor Penguins exhibit exceptional endurance, withstanding temperatures as low as -60°C, fasting for months during breeding, diving for up to 22 minutes on a single breath, and travelling long distances between breeding and feeding grounds. Their endurance capabilities are amongst the most impressive in the avian world.


Adélie Penguin

Adélie Penguin

Pygoscelis adeliae

Least Concern
African Penguin

African Penguin

Spheniscus demersus

Chinstrap Penguin

Chinstrap Penguin

Pygoscelis antarcticus

Least Concern
Emperor Penguin

Emperor Penguin

Aptenodytes forsteri

Near Threatened
Galápagos Penguin

Galápagos Penguin

Spheniscus mendiculus

Gentoo Penguin

Gentoo Penguin

Pygoscelis papua

Least Concern
Humboldt Penguin

Humboldt Penguin

Spheniscus humboldti

King Penguin

King Penguin

Aptenodytes patagonicus

Least Concern
Little Penguin

Little Penguin

Eudyptula minor

Least Concern
Macaroni Penguin

Macaroni Penguin

Eudyptes chrysolophus

Magellanic Penguin

Magellanic Penguin

Spheniscus magellanicus

Least Concern
Southern Rockhopper Penguin

Southern Rockhopper Penguin

Eudyptes chrysocome
