The Eurasian Tree Sparrow demonstrates considerable agility with its bouncy, hopping gait and quick, fluttering flight. Its ability to navigate through various habitats, from open woodlands to urban areas, suggests good manoeuvrability.
As a small passerine weighing only 17-38g, the Cape Sparrow has modest strength. Whilst capable of carrying nesting materials and defending territory, their physical power is limited compared to larger birds.
House Sparrows exhibit exceptional adaptability. Their global distribution, ability to thrive in various habitats from urban areas to farmlands, and opportunistic feeding habits showcase their remarkable capacity to adapt to different environments and food sources.
While not typically aggressive towards humans, House Sparrows display moderate aggression in flock dynamics and when defending nesting sites. Their 'quarrelsome' nature and ability to outcompete other birds for resources indicate a notable level of assertiveness.
House Sparrows demonstrate good endurance, evidenced by their ability to survive in diverse climates, including harsh winters in some regions. Their capacity to breed multiple times per season and forage actively throughout the day also suggests solid endurance for a small bird.