Egyptian Goose

Least Concern

Alopochen aegyptiaca

Regarded as being sacred by early Egyptians, this native goose of the African continent was introduced into Europe and elsewhere as an ornamental wildfowl species in the late seventeenth and eighteenth century.

Visual Identification


The Egyptian Goose is a striking bird with a distinctive appearance. Its predominantly grey-brown body contrasts with a darker brown eye patch and chestnut patch on the breast. The wings display a bold white patch, visible in flight and at rest.

Both sexes look similar, with males slightly larger. Juveniles resemble adults but have duller plumage and lack the distinctive breast patch. The bird's pink bill and legs provide a colourful contrast to its plumage.



63cm to 73cm


134cm to 154cm


1.5kg to 2.25kg


Males and females have similar plumage

Primary Colour

Brown Grey

Secondary Colour

White Black

Beak Colour


Leg Colour


Habitat and Distribution















Native to Africa, Egyptian Geese are found throughout sub-Saharan Africa and the Nile Valley. They inhabit a variety of wetland habitats, including rivers, lakes, and marshes, as well as grasslands and urban areas.

Introduced populations have been established in parts of Europe, including the UK, Netherlands, and Germany. In the UK, they are most common in East Anglia but are expanding their range.

They are also found in parts of the United States, particularly in Florida and Texas.

Elevation Range

Up to 4,000 meters

Climate zones

Tropical, Subtropical, Temperate

Distribution Map

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Distribution by Region

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Behaviour and Ecology

Bird Attributes

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Agility 75
Strength 70
Adaptability 90
Aggressiveness 85
Endurance 80


Egyptian Geese are primarily herbivorous, feeding on grasses, leaves, seeds, and agricultural crops. They also consume aquatic plants, insects, and small aquatic animals when available. These adaptable birds often graze in parks and on cultivated land, sometimes causing conflicts with farmers.


Egyptian Geese are known for their aggressive territorial behaviour, often chasing away other waterfowl. They are primarily terrestrial, grazing on land more than swimming.

These birds are highly vocal, frequently communicating with loud honking calls, especially when alarmed or during courtship displays.


Egyptian Geese are notably vocal birds. Their calls include a distinctive, loud honking sound, often described as a nasal 'haa-haa' or 'hank-hank'. During courtship or when alarmed, they produce a series of rapid, high-pitched calls. Males typically have a more resonant call compared to females.

Nesting & Breeding

Egyptian Geese form monogamous pairs and are known to mate for life. Breeding can occur year-round in their native range, but it typically happens in spring in introduced areas.

Nests are usually located on the ground near water, hidden in vegetation, but they may also use tree cavities or even buildings. The female lays 5-11 cream-coloured eggs in a nest lined with down.

Incubation lasts about 28-30 days, and it is primarily performed by the female. Both parents care for the goslings, which fledge after approximately 70 days. The young remain with their parents for several months after fledging.


Typical Lifespan Range 15 - 20 years


The Egyptian Goose typically lives for 15 to 20 years.

Like all birds, lifespan can be affected by factors including predation, habitat quality, disease, and access to food sources.

Conservation and Status

Global Conservation Status

Least Concern [1]

Despite being non-native in many areas, Egyptian Geese are not currently of conservation concern. In some regions, they are considered invasive due to their aggressive behaviour and competition with native species. Management efforts focus on controlling population growth in areas where they have been introduced.

Population Data

Global Population Estimate

500,000 - 1,500,000 mature individuals

Global Population Trend


Birdwatching Tips

  • Look for Egyptian Geese near water bodies in parks and golf courses
  • Listen for their distinctive honking calls, which are often heard before the birds are seen
  • Observe their behaviour on land, where they spend much of their time grazing
  • In the UK, check large lakes and reservoirs where established populations exist

Additional Information

Quick Facts

Other names:

Nil Goose




Adult Egyptian Geese have few natural predators due to their size, but eggs and goslings are vulnerable to various predators including large birds of prey, foxes, and crocodiles in their native range.

Did You Know?

  1. Egyptian Geese are not true geese but are more closely related to shelducks.
  2. They were considered sacred by ancient Egyptians and often depicted in their art.
  3. These birds can survive in water temperatures as low as -30°C, thanks to their well-insulated plumage.

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  1. 1

    website: BirdLife International. 2018. Alopochen aegyptiaca. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T22679993A131910647.

    View source
  2. 2

    report, 2006: Wetlands International