What is a Group of Eagles Called?

Last updated: December 18, 2023
What is a Group of Eagles Called?

There are many different species of eagles, many of which are mainly solitary. Still, many types of eagles are also quite sociable and will hang out in groups generally outside of the breeding season. But what is the specific names and collective nouns for a group of eagles? Well, look no further as below we've summarised the commonly known terms used to describe a group of eagles.

The two most common terms or collective nouns for a group of eagles is 'a soar of eagles' and 'a convocation of eagles'.

  • A soar of eagles is given as it is a characteristic of how they are mostly spotted soaring through the skies.
  • Convocation refers to a large gathering, and in this case, it's a large gathering of eagles.

The most common term is highly subjective and will highly vary from which part of the country or world you are from. Also, some of these terms are shared with other birds in general, or more specifically, other closely related species of hawks and kites.

  • an aerie of eagles
  • a brood of eagles
  • a colony of eagles
  • an eyrie of eagles
  • a flock of eagles
  • a jubilee of eagles
  • a nest of eagles
  • a spread of eagles
  • a stooping of eagles
  • a tower of eagles

What do you call a group of baby eagles?

A group of baby eagles are called eaglets. They can also be referred to as nestlings, fledglings and juveniles. This purely depends on what stage of their life they are at.

What is a group of Bald Eagles called?

There are two specific terms for a group of bald eagles; a come back of bald eagles and a toupee of bald eagles.

A group of bald eagles

A group of bald eagles

When do eagles form groups together?

Usually, either outside of the breeding season or during migration is the time you'll mostly see eagles together. However, during the breeding season, if you ever happen to see a nest, you may see young birds hanging about with the adult birds for some time after fledging the nest - the amount of time varies by species, but this generally lasts a couple of weeks.

During migration, birds aren't actually co-operating with one another, and they form these large flocks as many of them are going to the same place, and therefore sharing a similar route. It also allows them to use the same wind currents and thermals to help aid their flight. Eagle migration groups can often include hundreds of birds and sometimes even thousands.

During the breeding season, most eagles - like most birds, become territorial and aggressive towards other birds. This is to protect their young and patch of territory used to catch prey, etc.

Golden Eagles generally aren't that sociable even outside of the breeding season and usually only tolerate their mate. In contrast, species like the bald eagle are much more tolerant of other species of birds and will happily be around them. This is unless it's another bald eagle, which they will then not tolerate their company. Steller's Sea Eagles are also quite gregarious and known to happily form groups from time to time.